Senior High School Portfolio

During a long period of schooling, a child accumulates a huge number of different skills, participates and wins in contests or olympiads, and is determined by the way he would like to go in the future.

All the individual achievements of the student, the skills that can influence the choice of the profession and the development of the personality of the child, as well as certain abilities inherent exclusively to this student, are now recorded in the portfolio of a high school student.

This item is an individual cumulative folder, which should now be for every student. Although strict and binding requirements are not imposed on it, there are certain points that should be considered when creating such a folder. In this article, we will tell you how to design a portfolio of a high school student, and give the options for templates that can be used for this.

Recommendations for the design of a senior student's portfolio

When drawing up a portfolio of a senior pupil, it should be understood that it is a serious document, therefore, there should not be any extraneous information and images. All information should be presented in a competent language in an official form. When compiling such a folder, students usually try to follow the rules for the design of various presentations. "Advanced" guys can supplement the paper version of the portfolio with an electronic file.

Particular attention should be paid to the title page. It defines the style of the entire document, therefore its design should be rather reserved and concise. In many schools, to create a portfolio of a senior pupil, children are given a sample of filling the title page. In this case, you must strictly adhere to the color gamut and other design elements - you will not be able to depart from the style of the document chosen for the entire class.

After the title page in the portfolio of the senior pupil all necessary information, divided into the following blocks should be stated:

Depending on how the school life of a high school student is going on, his portfolio should also reflect information about all the courses passed, the Olympiads won, contests and shows, as well as any additional education. In addition to textual information, the portfolio can contain various documents - certificates, diplomas, certificates and so on.

With an example of the portfolio design for a senior high school student you can see on our photos: