Church of Thanksgiving (Santiago)

The capital of Chile , the historic city of Santiago , has absorbed a large number of different museums and historical sights , which not only fascinate the views, but also win hearts. One of such places of interest is the Church of Thanksgiving, which was built in the distant 1863.

Thanksgiving Church - description

The Church of Thanksgiving is a unique structure that is located in the heart of Santiago and occupies a leading place among the historical architectural sites. It is also worth noting that the church is addressed to the Roman Catholic faith, which is preached in it until our time. This fascinating place will be an ideal option for deeply religious people who want not only to visit sacred places, but also to plunge into the harmony and purity of the clergy. As for the church itself, it is included in the list of the most ancient and significant national monuments of the Republic of Chile.

Despite the fact that the Thanksgiving Church was built almost two centuries ago and suffered several wars and even an earthquake, the building was well preserved and is ready to accept as ordinary tourists who came to see the beauties of architectural monuments, and people who want to immerse themselves in the mystery of faith. The main direction of this stunning structure was the Gothic style, expressed in elongated spiers and pointed towers, the presence of which took care of famous local architects and French engineers.

How to get to the church?

The Church of Thanksgiving in Santiago is located in the heart of the city, next to Plaza de Armas , so finding it will not be difficult. Visitors can easily build a walking route to other stunning monuments of architecture.