Third eyelid in cats - reasons

The third eyelid (blinking membrane) in cats plays a very important role for the organs of vision, performing its functions. When the animal's eyes are closed, it's hard to notice. But when the darling blinks or his head bends down, then you can see this wrinkle.

Fall of the third century in cats

In the event that the third eyelid in cats is seen even when the animals feel a surge of vivacity, then you have noticed a clear sign of eye disease pets. White, as well as light blue peel, covers part of the pet's eyeballs from their inner corners. The appearance of the third century is a symptom that accompanies a disease.

Causes of loss of the third century in cats can be a variety of diseases. Animals suffer from conjunctivitis, viruses, bacterial infections, fungi, external and internal parasites, various diseases of internal organs, allergic reactions, eye injuries, and contacts with irritants. All this affects the third eyelid.

Sometimes his fall is a harbinger of cat flu. Remember also that the appearance of peels on one eye means getting into it something stranger. But if this symptom is found on both eyeballs, it is clear that the pet is ill.

Treatment of loss of the third century in cats will not give the proper result. After eliminating the symptom, you can not get rid of the disease from the pet. It is very important that you do not delay with a trip to the vet, as soon as they saw that the cat had a third eyelid. After all, a specialist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe a treatment that will help the pet recover.

If the blinking membrane does not cover the eye completely, it may mean that the cat is also quite healthy. For example, weight loss could have affected this. If you notice your third-century loss from your pet, it's good to see if other symptoms have appeared. If no one could find them, feed the animal more, and also give him 0.05 mg of vitamin B12 every day. But in any case, better show the cat to the vet. He will certainly know how to properly treat the pet.