Royal Kanin for kittens

Almost half a century ago, the history of one of the largest brands in the pet food market began. The Frenchman Jean Kathari, who was a veterinarian, introduced the world food for German shepherds, which served as the basis for the stern ruler of Royal Canin. Subsequently, under this brand, feeds appeared for other breeds of dogs, as well as for cats. Today we will talk about Royal Kanin products, designed for kittens.

The composition of feeds Royal Kanin for kittens

The composition of feeds for Royal Kanin kittens includes such important substances as taurine (which is responsible for good functioning of the heart, vision and growth) and linoleic acid (responsible for health and shine of the coat). The beauty of cat hair is also supported by iron and copper (the latter improves pigmentation). Arachidonic acid improves and normalizes the forming sexual function; it also promotes the growth of the calf. Fats (as well as starch) provide the kitten with the energy necessary during the growth period, and proteins contribute strength and strengthen the body as a whole.

Goods Royal Kanin for kittens contain in their composition and a number of useful microelements. This is magnesium, potassium and sodium, providing the body's water balance, manganese, necessary for maintaining the health of the thyroid gland, as well as calcium and phosphorus, involved in the formation of the skeleton. Selenium promotes the transport of oxygen, and zinc establishes a system of enzymes. In addition, thiamine (vitamin B1) supports the nervous system, biotin (vitamin H) promotes blood formation, and vitamin A improves eyesight and skin condition.

Kinds of forages Royal Kanin

To date, the Royal Canin brand offers more than one kind of feed for kittens. For your pet, you can choose dry food, pate (mousse), different types of wet food (in jelly or in sauce) and even a substitute for cat milk. Stand alone are food for sterilized kittens and allergic kittens. In addition, the feed varies depending on the breed and age of the kitten. Consider some goods line Royal Cane more.

The full-dried dry food Royal Kanin for kittens is available in packages of 400 grams, 2 kg, 4 kg and 10 kg. The nutrients contained in them support the growth and development of the kitten, providing it with the necessary energy and having a beneficial effect on immunity and digestion. One of these Royal Kanin feeds is designed for kittens up to a year, another is more specialized and is addressed to kittens from one to four months. Crochetes of the latter are adapted to the milk teeth of kittens, differing in their small size and special texture.

Alternative to dry food

Of the number of feeds that are good for kittens in the first four months of life, special attention should be paid to canned food of Babycat Instinctive. However, this meat pie from Royal Canean, which also includes cereals, yeast and milk, can also serve as food for older kittens. But during the transition from mother's milk to solid food, pate is more relevant than ever because of its softness and nutritional value.

Among the moist feeds of Royal Canin for kittens, you can stay at Kitten Instinctive in jelly and in sauce. They are intended for cubs of the "second phase of growth" - the age from four months to a year. At this age the kitten grows slower than before, its bone tissue strengthens, the teeth change from milk to permanent, but the immune system remains vulnerable. The formula of moist feed Kitten Instinctive is aimed precisely at such needs of the kitten's organism. However, these feeds can be given in parallel with that full-fat dry food that was given to the kitten before.