Thunder in February - popular signs

February is the last month of winter. People in antiquity had a mixed opinion about this time. On the one hand, February was associated with severe frosts and strong winds. And on the other - the second month of the year marked the departure of winter and the onset of a thaw. This is a kind of transition period between cold days and the beginning of spring, giving not only light, but also the long-awaited warmth. At this time people with special care observed all natural phenomena. They succeeded each other very often. February is a rich month for weather signs, which are popular today.

Thunder and lightning in February - signs

The thunder, the rumble of which was heard on one of the February days, is a rare phenomenon, predicting strong winds in the near future. Lightning at the same time warns of the imminent onset of a violent storm and bad weather. If the sky was first visible lightning, but only then the thunder thundered, then you need to wait for the summer dry, without precipitation. In general, the people's signs associated with thunder in February are unfavorable. They promise a drought in the hot season and heavy precipitation in the fall. It is for this reason that ancient people were very afraid of such natural phenomena in the winter. Today, thunder and lightning in the winter does not cause panic, as it was before. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile for a modern person to listen to these phenomena. Thunder and lightning in February warn that the year as a whole will be hungry and lean.

Thunder in February - signs

  1. Earlier, when people heard rumblings in February, they hastened to cuddle up to the birch tree. It was believed that so a man could protect himself for a year from pain in his hands and chest.
  2. If the thunder rumbles where the snow has not melted yet - wait for a cold summer.
  3. A thunderous storm foreshadows a bad weather.
  4. During the February thunder wash of silver dishes - means to get mental and physical health for a year ahead.
  5. The thunder that thundered on the bare wood - to poverty, war and famine.