Multicultural education

Multicultural education has appeared relatively recently, which is connected with the desire to create a society in which the priority is a respectful attitude towards a person, the protection of his rights.

The essence of multicultural education

The main essence of multicultural education is the elimination of contradictions between the dominant people living in a given territory and a small ethnic group. Everyone should get an education, so you need to overcome the barrier in intellectual retardation (for example, African Americans in the US). Multicultural education should take place not only in educational institutions, but, first of all, in the family, on extra-curricular activities. We must teach to understand and respect the culture of other peoples, their historical values, everyday traditions.

Methods of multicultural education

Among the methods of multicultural education are:

  1. Conversation, lecture, discussion.
  2. Staging and discussion of specific situations.
  3. Role playing games .
  4. Individual work.

All these methods should be designed to change the world outlook of a person towards ethnic groups, to accept the characteristics of different cultures.

Multicultural education in kindergarten

To conduct multicultural education is necessary, starting with the kindergarten. Children should be introduced to the oral folk art of different nations, arts and crafts, music. The child needs to instill patriotic feelings, develop interest in the culture of his people and other ethnic cultures.

But you need to take into account the characteristics of the perception of a child of this age. For example, if the group has the majority of children of any one nationality, then one should begin with the culture of this people, since this will be the closest to the children. For the most effective work on multicultural education of preschoolers, it is necessary to include children in the process of educational activities to develop patriotism , the culture of relations between peoples, and develop moral qualities among them.

Multicultural education is a complex process in which a considerable role is assigned to the family.