Where in Russia grows a black elder?

The deciduous shrub of black elder belongs to the family of honeysuckle. In the Middle Ages, this deciduous plant was considered a sacred tree, capable of curing many diseases.

The black elder has branched stems. The color of the young branches is green first, then it turns brown gray. The leaves are dark green, the flowers are white and yellow, with a pleasant aroma. Juicy fruits are black-violet. Blossom black elderberry from May to June, its fruits mature in August-September.

Often those people who use for the treatment of traditional medicine and medicinal herbs, are interested in where black elderina grows in Russia. Let's try to answer this question.

Where in Russia are growing berries of black elderberry?

The shrub of black elder is found throughout the European part of Russia from the lower reaches of the Don and to the Gulf of Finland. The elder grows in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus. In Siberia, there are its southern regions, where black elderberries also grow.

A small tree or shrub of black elderberry can be found in the deciduous and coniferous forest and on the edge where it can form real thickets. A black elder grows along the road, high in the mountains or near the river. Especially decorative becomes a bush, when it appears black shiny fruit, which are preserved after the fall of the leaves.

The black elder grows very quickly. Shrub likes sunny places, while not bad acclimatized and in the shade. Although the plant is unpretentious, but it grows better on loose fertile and well-moistened soils. Propagates black elder with seeds and layers, cuttings and root offspring. If in winter black elderberries freeze, which often occurs in the middle regions of Russia and in Siberia, then in the spring it usually quickly recovers the dead branches.

Black elderberry is widely used in folk medicine. From her prepare broths that help with gout, rheumatism, kidney disease and inflammation of the joints. Good black elderberry with burns, diaper rash and boils. On the basis of her preparations are prepared, which have a disinfectant and diaphoretic property.

Used black elderberry and in nutrition. From it prepare tasty jam, jam, jelly. Ripe fruit is suitable for obtaining food color. Some housewives use dried elderberries when pickling cucumbers and some other vegetables.

Due to its decorative effect, black elderberry is often grown in parks and gardens. Its ornamental foliage, lacy inflorescences of fragrant flowers and brushes of elegant glossy fruits can serve as an excellent decoration for any infield area. In addition, black elderberry is considered an excellent honey.