Harbingers of heavy rain

Just a few decades ago, signs played a huge role for a person, as it was the only way to learn the weather and other events about the future. They arose because of the observance of people who compared different facts and looked for existing dependencies. For the modern person, signs for the rain and not only have long ago come to the fore, because there is the Internet, where you can find all the necessary information. Despite this, their truthfulness of superstition has not lost, and at any convenient opportunity everyone can be convinced of this.

Harbingers of heavy rain

The fact that soon it will rain, our ancestors judged by changes in the environment:

  1. If the sun has not yet appeared on the horizon, and the sky is already dark clouds.
  2. Milk, put on the windowsill, began to foam.
  3. If there is no dew in the morning.
  4. Announcing the rain whining in the legs and hands, many people say that they "twist" their legs.
  5. When things are on the street as if in a haze.
  6. The pale sun is raining.
  7. If there is a circle around the sun in the summer.
  8. According to another common feature, before the rain flies stick to people and strongly bite.
  9. Ants move quickly and purposefully toward an anthill
  10. The strong buzzing of insects, especially mosquitoes and beetles, is a sign that the weather worsens that day.
  11. If you hear a strong croaking.
  12. Swallows fly low to the ground or a pond.
  13. Our ancestors believed that if there is a lot of foam formed in the morning milking in milk, it means that it will certainly rain today.
  14. Foam in a river or other pond promises worse weather in the coming days.
  15. Chickens went to bed early, so it will be bad weather.
  16. The leaves of the trees show the wrong side.

People's signs of rain

Under certain conditions, rain can "tell" about the events of the near future:

  1. If during the summer rain to see a rainbow in the sky, then soon the weather will change.
  2. The rain on the wedding day is a good sign, indicating that the relationship will be strong and long.
  3. When it rains you need to look at puddles. Large bubbles mean that the bad weather will last for a long time, but if the bubbles are small, it means that soon it will come to light.
  4. If the summer often rains, then in the winter it is necessary to expect strong cold and snow.
  5. The rain on the Annunciation foreshadows a good harvest of rye. If there was a thunderstorm, then there will be a lot of nuts and the summer will be hot.
  6. In early June, several days in a row it rains - it's a sign that the rest of the time will be dry and hot.
  7. The rain on the day of Ilya promises a good harvest.
  8. Rain at the funeral is also a good omen. Our ancestors believed that in this way the soul of the deceased reports that everything in his world is good.
  9. If in the rain on the rainbow the green color predominates, then the weather will last for a long time.
  10. Rain on the day of birth is a good sign, indicating that this year you can count on the cardinal changes in life for the concurrence of luck.
  11. If butterflies fly out in the rain, it means that the bad weather will persist for a long time.
  12. When the rain begins with large drops, it is a sign that it will soon come to light.
  13. If there was a slight rain during the summer, it means that during the day it will be sunny and warm.
  14. Singing birds during the rain promises better weather.
  15. If it has started to rain on a long journey or on a journey, then everything will be fine and you should not worry.
  16. Our ancestors believed that if it rains and the sun is shining, it is to the drowned man.

Of course, believe in the signs or not - it's everyone's business, but it's worth considering that this is not just a fantasy, but the wisdom of ancestors that has been tested not for one decade.