Holiday "Mother's Day"

Mom is the very first word that a little man says. It sounds beautiful and gentle in all the languages ​​of the world. The closest person, Mom constantly cares and protects us, teaches kindness and wisdom. Mom will always regret, understand and forgive, and will love his child, no matter what. Motherly care and unselfish love warm us to old age.

Mother's Day is an international holiday of veneration of mothers, celebrated practically in all countries of the world. And in different countries this event is celebrated at different times. For example, in Russia in 1998 by the decree of President Boris Yeltsin. was established such a holiday, which is celebrated annually on the last Sunday in November. It was founded by the State Duma Committee for Family, Youth and Women Affairs. In Estonia, the USA, Ukraine and many other countries Mother's Day celebrations are held on the second Sunday in May. On this day, all women mothers and pregnant women are honored. This is the Mother's Day different from March 8 , the International Women's Day, which is celebrated by all women. After all, for any person, regardless of his age, the most important thing in life is the mother. In a woman who has become a mother, kindness and tenderness, love and care, patience and self-sacrifice are fully revealed.

Even in the XVII century in the UK, Mother's Sunday was celebrated, when all mothers in the country were honored. In 1914, the United States announced the national celebration of Mother's Day.

In our society, the holiday dedicated to Mother's Day is still very young, but it is becoming more popular. And it's very good, because kind words for our moms will never be superfluous. In honor of Mother's Day, various thematic meetings, lectures, exhibitions and festivals are held. This holiday is especially interesting in children's school and preschool institutions. Children give their moms and grandmothers souvenirs and gifts made with their own hands, songs, poems, kind words of gratitude.

Widely celebrated the holiday, dedicated to Mother's Day, in Western Ukraine. On this day, concerts, festive evenings, exhibitions, various amusements are held here. On Mother's Day, adults and children want to say a lot of warm words of gratitude to their mothers and grandmothers for their love, constant care, tenderness and affection. On this day, many mothers are being awarded. In some cities women on Mother's Day can get free medical help, and young mothers who leave the hospital receive expensive gifts.

In Australia and the United States there is a tradition: pin to cloves clothes on Mother's Day. And, if a person's mother is alive - the carnation should be colored, and in memory of the dead mothers the carnation will be white.

Purpose of the holiday Mother's Day

Mother's Day in many countries of the world is a joyful and very solemn event. The purpose of celebrating Mother's Day is the desire to support the traditions of careful treatment of the mother, to strengthen family values ​​and foundations, to emphasize a special place in the life of our most important person - the mother.

In the children's groups, the goal of celebrating Mother's Day is to educate the children for the love of the mother, huge gratitude and deep respect for her. Children learn poems and songs, organize exhibitions of souvenirs and congratulations made by themselves. The guys thank their grandmothers and mothers for their tireless care, love and patience.

Depending on how much a woman and mother are revered in society, one can judge the degree of well-being and culture in the whole society. Only happy family under the "wing" of a loving mother grow up happy children. We owe our birth and life to our mother. Therefore, let us remember our mothers not only on holidays, make them happy, constantly give them their love and tenderness in gratitude for their tireless care, patience and devotion.