Treating the calcaneal spur at home

Heel spurs (medical name - plantar fasciitis) is a chronic disease in which microtraumas of the plantar ligament (fascia) lead to the formation of seals and bone growth in the form of a spine or spur, from which the name appeared. When walking, this thorn causes severe pain. It should be noted that a heel spur is often mistaken for a plantar wart with a stem that also causes pain when walking. However, these are completely different diseases requiring different approaches (methods of combating warts with spur are ineffective).

Symptoms of the calcaneal spur

At the initial stage of the disease, pain can be disturbed only in the mornings or after a long stay in a stationary position, and after several steps - go through. As the disease develops, the pain begins to disturb the person when walking constantly, and also to arise at rest.

Visually, the spur is not detected and is diagnosed only by X-ray .

Treating the calcaneal spur at home

In most cases, treatment of the calcaneal spur, both folk and traditional methods, is performed at home. Surgical treatment of this problem is rarely resorted to when other methods have proved ineffective.

Of drugs for the treatment of calcaneal spurs at home use:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in the form of ointments and gels, such as Diclofenac , Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Ketorol, Indomethacin, Butadion, Piroxicam. With severe pain, additional use of such drugs in tablets is also possible. Such drugs are used to eliminate the symptoms of the heel spur at home, providing an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, but are not a means of treating the causes of its occurrence.
  2. Local irritants. The most popular means of this category, with the help of which the heel spurs are treated at home, is medical bile. In it, a bandage or a napkin is moistened, applied to the heel, covered with wax paper on top, put on a warm sock and left for the night, and if possible for 24 hours. The course of treatment usually lasts up to 2 months.
  3. Anti-inflammatory creams with herbal and animal extracts: Ortho-cream, Pyatkashpor, "Shark fat and golden mustache".
  4. Special medical plasters.

Folk remedies for heel spur at home

To treat this disease, various warm-ups, compresses and massages are usually used.

Salt bath



The legs must be soared in a hot, but not scorching saline solution until it cools. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Garlic compress

Crushed garlic is mixed with a tablespoon of any vegetable oil and applied to the heel for 2-3 hours. This method of heating is considered one of the most effective in treating the heel spur at home, but is not suitable for everyone and requires caution. In severe burning, the procedure should be stopped, and feet thoroughly washed. Duration of treatment is several weeks.

Compresses with honey

Also considered to be a fairly effective tool for this problem. As a compress to the heel at night apply a honey-greased cabbage leaf, dough made of flour and honey, or a mixture of honey and salt in a 1: 1 ratio.

In addition, to get rid of the spur, it is recommended to take in the broths of the saber and currant leaves, which contribute to the improvement of joints and the excretion of salts from the body.