Recipe tubules

Among all the variety of desserts, tubules with different fillings occupy a separate place among our gastronomic preferences, if only because everyone is familiar with the school bench. Crispy and thin, lush and puffed, filled with whipped cream, condensed milk, cream of butter or protein, they are terrificly tasty and quite simple to prepare. You can verify this by following one of the above recipes.

The recipe for wafer tubes for waffle irons


For the test:

For filling:


First, turn the egg whites into a foam and mix them with fatty cream. While continuing to beat, add to the mixture butter, a little vanilla, and then a mixture of flour with a baking powder. Portions pour the dough into the heated and oiled waffle iron, frying no more than a half minutes, until a characteristic golden brown color. Still hot, fold the wafers into tubes and refrigerate them.

Turn fat cream into a magnificent cream, adding powdered sugar. Supplement the magnificent cream with pieces of cherry and, armed with a confectionery bag, fill the cooled tubules. Tubes with cherries for this recipe are best served immediately, until the berries start to start the juice.

Tubules with protein cream - recipe


For tubes:

For filling:


The recipe for these tubes is even simpler than what is intended for a waffle iron. Melt butter, syrup and sugar in a saucepan, add brandy and zest to them, and then pour in the flour. The mixture is cooled and divided into portions the size of a golf ball. Each such ball is put on a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake at 180 degrees, waiting for the appearance of a pronounced golden color. During baking, the dough will disperse into a pancake, so let between portions be the maximum possible distance. Even hot cakes wrap around the round handle of the kitchen spatula and leave to cool completely.

Pour the proteins into the food processor and whisk together with a pinch of citric acid. Put the sugar on the stove and cook the golden syrup from it. With constant whipping, pour the syrup to hard peaks of protein mass and do not stop the combine's movement, waiting for the moment when the cream does not completely cool.

Fill the tubes with cream using a pastry bag and serve.

Puff pastry with condensed milk - recipe



For this recipe we need special cones made of metal, designed just for baking tubules. When the dough is cut into strips, it is wound from the narrow base of the cone to the top. Next, the dough can be smeared with eggs, sprinkled with sugar, poppy seeds, coconut, nuts or left for nothing. Tubes should be baked in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for at least 20 minutes or until a pronounced golden color appears. Ready tubes should cool on cones, after which they can be removed and filled with cream.

For cream, whip the cream until firm peaks along with boiled condensed milk and vanilla. Distribute the cream in the cavities of the tubes, and then sprinkle the coconut on top.