Treatment of flat feet in adults

Flat - footedness is not just a disease that is not taken into the army. Flattening is a life-threatening disease, consisting in the deformation of the arches of the foot. What is so dangerous platypodia in adults? The fact that with flatfoot suffers from excessive load of the spine and some internal organs. Hence there are various kinds of changes and diseases, at first glance, completely unrelated to the foot.

The causes of flatfoot

There are two main types of flatfoot - longitudinal and transverse. Treatment of both transverse and longitudinal flat feet in adults is quite effective, it can be treated even at home. How to correct a flatfoot in an adult or a child will be prompted by a doctor, he will also prescribe the necessary procedures, for example, often with flat feet in adults, prescribe LPC sessions. It is also good for flat feet in adults helping massage.

But in order to know how to treat flat feet in adults, you need to know the causes of the appearance of this disease. And there can be several of them:

The main signs of flatfoot

Symptoms of flat feet in adults:

By the way, longitudinal flat feet occurs in adolescents more often than in adults, for adults a transverse flatfoot is characteristic.

Symptoms of flat feet consist in pain in the foot, increasing with the putting on of shoes, deformation of the foot.

Treatment of flat feet in adults

How to cure a flatfoot in an adult, the expert will tell, because he will be able to determine the type of flatfoot, its cause. The doctor, most likely, will send on a roentgen in order to put the correct diagnosis.

Treatment of flat feet is carried out, most often, at home. At a platypodia at adults gymnastics, massage , use of orthopedic footwear is recommended. Gymnastics consists in the rotation of the foot, flexion and extension of the foot, rolling of an object.

Prophylaxis of flat feet in adults

So that you do not have this disease, it is enough to conduct preventive procedures that do not require you a lot of time and effort:

  1. Be sure to purchase a massage mat, which can also be done by yourself. Walk on such a rug a few minutes a day. You can place it near the bed and, waking up, step on it - in conjunction with the prevention of flatfoot you will charge the body with vivacity, because it is on the feet are many nerve endings.
  2. Do not be lazy and do a massage - for this, the foot should be held horizontally with four fingers, and the thumb should massage the surface of the foot. Ideally, this procedure in the morning and evening. Again, you will not only avoid the disease, but also be able to relax your legs after a working day and prepare them for the next.
  3. Watch for food - the fat people have more chances to earn a flat foot. Eat fish, vegetables, cereals. The protein must be in the diet of a person of any age.

Do not treat negligently to your health - it would seem, harmless flat feet can bring very great harm to your body. If platypodia is diagnosed in a child, be sure to see a doctor - the sooner the treatment begins, the greater problems can be avoided.