7 months of pregnancy - how many weeks?

Complex mathematical calculations are not the lot of pregnant women. Yes, and the differences between different calendars for calculation, at times mislead not only the future mothers. And in order to understand a little the definition of the exact time, one must resort to outside help.

Most often women are concerned about the question: 7 months of pregnancy - this is how many weeks? Because it is after this period that you can go to your well-deserved and long-awaited maternity leave.

7 months in weeks

Typically, in medical institutions, the calculation of the pregnancy period is based on the obstetric calendar, in which the starting date of the last menstrual period is taken as the starting point. Actually, therefore, the obstetric term is always at least two weeks longer than the actual one. The obstetric month is 28 days, that is exactly four weeks. According to this calculation method, the pregnancy lasts 10 months or 40 weeks. In this case, by simple arithmetic operations, you can calculate how many weeks of pregnancy correspond to 7 months. As a result, it turns out that 7 month starts from the 25th week and ends on the 28th.

By this time the weight of the baby is about 1000 gr, and its growth reaches 35 cm. Its organs and systems are already formed, but continue to be improved. Of course, the baby is not yet ready for life outside the mother's tummy. But in the case of premature birth, his chances of surviving at times increase.

Also, after the end of the seventh month, there are obvious changes in my mother's appearance. The tummy has grown noticeably, and begins to cause some inconvenience. They can remind themselves of late toxicosis and swelling. During movement and physical exertion, abdominal contractions can be felt. However, they should not be too painful and prolonged.

In general, it is worth noting, 7 months of pregnancy (how many weeks it was calculated above) is considered the most favorable emotionally. Alarming and fears are gradually replaced by new pleasant efforts in preparation for childbirth and further education of the baby.