Manicure by Feng Shui

This Eastern teaching has long been firmly rooted in our daily lives. We equip our dwelling according to feng shui, arrange flowers and hang mirrors. In many apartments on the shelves fluttered with toads and dragons, turtles and fish. But modern women of fashion went further. Now the time when it is better to do a manicure, choose a feng shui. Even the color of the nails can be chosen according to this teaching. Perhaps this is slightly exaggerated, but supporters of doing manicure exclusively on feng shui claim that this contributes to the rapid growth of nails. To paint nails on feng shui is a whole science, in fact it is necessary to choose the right length and shape of the nail, to choose the right color of varnish.

To decide on the elements, just remember the last digit of your birth year:

How to make a manicure by feng shui?

In the east, the chosen color scheme for creating an image tells others about what kind of person you are. If you choose the right color scheme, you can find a common language with others and arrange them to yourself. This is especially true for people of business life. First of all, Feng Shui is the art of living in harmony with oneself and the surrounding world, and therefore the color scheme should contribute to this. You should feel confident. According to the teaching, there are five primary elements, five elements. Depending on your element, you can choose a nail design for feng shui: