Corn on the legs - treatment

Undoubtedly, it is worthwhile to understand that corn callus is different, - there are several varieties of such skin blisters - therefore, each of them needs a special approach. Consider the methods of treating various types of calluses on the legs at home.

Treatment of water corns

Water (wet) calluses look like white soft bubbles, towering above the skin and filled with a clear liquid. They arise in the place of friction and in the beginning represent reddening and swelling on the skin, which is accompanied by soreness. If the water callus is not treated, the bladder will burst with time, and a dry callus will begin to grow on this place.

The first help in the occurrence of water corns - treatment with hydrogen peroxide, zelenka, solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilina to prevent the multiplication of bacteria. Next, you must impose a sterile bandage or paste a bactericidal adhesive plaster.

When a water callus appears, replace the shoes with one that does not injure the affected leg.

It is recommended to open the water callus, but it must be done very carefully, observing sterility. To do this you need:

  1. Take a thin needle, wipe it, and also corn and the adjacent surface of the skin with alcohol.
  2. Next, sterilize the needle with fire (match, lighter), make a small hole in the corn and gently squeeze the contents. Bubble skin can not be removed.
  3. Next, you must again disinfect, apply a bandage or plaster, which should be removed at night.

Treatment of corns

Bloody corns appear and look just like water, but in this case the corneal cavity is filled with lymph fluid mixed with blood. Such a callus is formed when a blood vessel is damaged on the rubbed area of ​​the skin. It is more dangerous than ordinary water, as it can become a source of infection of the whole organism if a purulent process begins in it.

The blood corn should be opened in the same way as described for the case of water callus. Before this, you can make a five-minute warm bath of a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a 2% solution of boric acid, after which the callus must be carefully dried with a napkin.

Treatment of dry calluses on legs

Dry calluses represent areas of thickened, coarsened skin that form gradually. Getting rid of them is quite difficult, especially in cases with old, very hard calluses. In no case can not they be cut out themselves - the consequences can be deplorable. Independently to get rid of dry calluses it is possible by means of national means. Here are a few popular recipes from corns.

Onion husk:

  1. Peel five large bulbs with a glass of vinegar and leave to infuse for 14 days in a sealed container.
  2. From the received infusion it is necessary to do gauze lotions on corn.
  3. To do this, fold a few times a piece of gauze wet in infusion, attach to the callus and fix the patch for 40 minutes. The procedure should be repeated once a day for a week.

Baked garlic:

  1. Bake in the oven a clove of garlic, cut it in half.
  2. Apply garlic to the corn, pre-lubricating the skin around it with a fat cream.
  3. Secure the compress and leave overnight.
  4. Repeat for a week.

Folk remedy for treatment of corn callus

The corn stalk is a kind of dry corns, but it has a core inside, or a root whose head extends outward. To get rid of this callus, you should:

  1. First, steam the foot for 40 minutes in a soap-soda solution.
  2. Then attach a piece of lemon to it, fix it and leave it overnight.
  3. After a few days, the skin will soften and it can be removed with pumice and foot peeling .