Tyrise Gibson and Charlize Theron were flirting on the set of the new "Forsage"

The work on "Forsage 8" is not over yet, and two lonely Hollywood stars who met on the set of the blockbuster have every chance to arrange a personal life. We are talking about 37-year-old Tyrise Gibson and 40-year-old Charlize Theron.

The Victim of Cupid

Colleague Charlize Theron, Tyraz Gibson, with whom she spends a lot of time together, working on the continuation of the history of the franchise, admitted that she had flirted with tender feelings towards the beautiful actress and she might not mind to reciprocate.

Gibson, with far-reaching plans, admitted:

"We were flirting with her. Charlize gave me her mobile number. "

Common cares

To begin with, the single father, who raised daughter Sheila from previous relationships, became friends with Theron through their children. They together have fun and get to know each other better, are advised about the upbringing of offspring.

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Ideal of the beloved

According to Tayriz, he is attracted to intelligent, educated, strong-spirited, self-assured and yet cute women. When such a diva enters the room, then her arrival should not go unnoticed, believes Gibson. It seems that Charlize Theron fully meets these requirements of rapper-actor.