Strelitzia - care at home

Strelitzia is an exotic plant for our latitudes. His homeland is Africa, and most of the florists, despite the lush greenery, grow it for the sake of flowers. The latter attract attention with a bright color and unusual for the flower form. Most often, shoots are pleased with their flowering only once a year and only with the condition of proper care. We will tell you how to take care of shooting at home.

The basic rules of care for strelitzia


Strelitzia, especially in the warm season, loves moist soil, but in no case does the water in the flowerpot stagnate. In winter, watering should be moderate, you need to carefully monitor that the earth's clod is not dry.


Strelitzia loves bright lighting, only in such lighting it is able to blossom. The only thing that is not necessary is to place the flower on the open sun rays in the summer period of time. In direct sunlight, the arrow should be slightly darkened or rearranged to another place. The ideal option is a window facing east. The sun will fall on him in the afternoon, when it's not so hot and the flower will feel comfortable.


Strelitziya feels most comfortable at a temperature of 18 ° C. In summer, it can be taken to the open air. The maximum temperature drop that the plant can tolerate is 10 ° C. The temperature below this threshold can become destructive for a flower.


The flower is very fond of moist air, because in the warm season its leaves are sprinkled daily. In winter, the humidity must be reduced. It will be enough to sprinkle the fire several times a month.


A young strelitzia flower needs a transplant as the roots grow. The adult plant must be transplanted once in 2 years. When transplanting the pot is chosen high, as the roots of the plant grow in depth. In width, it should be only a couple of centimeters greater than the diameter of the root system.

The land for strelitzia needs nutritious, but because of the transplant take a mixed version of it. Connect on two parts of turf, leaf land and humus, as well as one part of sand and peat. In the flowerpot, a thick layer of drainage is necessarily done.

Landing strelitzia in the new pot should be done carefully. The roots of the flower are very fragile and can easily be damaged.

How does the strelitz breed?

Most often, by replicating strelitzia at home, the flower is simply divided into several parts. In order for the plant to grow well further, in each new pot must be part of the strelitzia, with at least two points of growth.

Reproduction of strelitzia is possible by one more method - seeds. Growing a flower in this way is possible, but, unfortunately, inexperienced growers often have problems with the subsequent flowering of strelitzia.

The main problems in caring for strelitzia at home

Strelitzia does not flower

Many people are faced with the problem of the absence of flowers in strelitzia. The reasons can be several:

The first flowers in strelitzia may appear in the region of 3 years, but usually it occurs at the age of 4 to 6 years. If this does not happen, most likely, the conditions for caring for the strelitzia are violated. Most often, the flower just does not have enough brightness.

How to make a shoot shoot?

If the conditions of care are observed and the age for flowering is suitable, accelerate or provoke the ovary of flowers, you can, using special preparations, for example, "Ovary", "Cveten", etc. Also it is necessary to fertilize the soil in the pot with special fertilizing. In a period of intensive growth, you need to do this 2 times a month, the rest of the time - 1 time per month.

To provoke a plant on the ovary of flowers is possible and in a natural way. For this, the plant needs to go into a state of rest. It is convenient to do this in autumn or spring, since the plant needs a temperature of 10-14 °. To do this, the flower is taken out to the balcony or just to the street. Watering at the same time needs a moderate, as in the winter.

Strelitzia dry and yellow leaves

The main cause of changes in the state of the leaves of the shoot is irrigation. With excessive watering, they begin to turn yellow due to decay of roots, and when insufficient - to dry. Also, the yellowness of the leaves can be affected by low air temperature.

Strelitzia can be affected by the same diseases as other indoor plants of flowering type, and it can be attacked by small pests: scabbards , thrips or spider mite . Fight them with the appropriate drugs.