Medvedka - how to fight it?

Determine that your site has a bear, you can by drooping only planted seedlings or eaten a crop of root crops. It can also be done in the footsteps of its life activity: moves in the ground, nests with eggs, hills around plants, which hide the entrance to underground tunnels created by the bear.

Fighting with a bear is simply necessary, because it is very prolific, and if you do nothing, you can lose the entire crop. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of this pest.

There are two ways to get the bear out of the garden. The first is to destroy it, and the second is to scare it away from the territory occupied by planting. Let's consider in more detail each of them.

Means of fighting against the bear

Since the bear has become known to gardeners for a very long time, many methods have been invented to combat it.

The easiest way to get rid of this insect is a deep digging of the soil throughout the territory, even if you do not plan on planting anything there. Do this in autumn and spring, during the summer it is recommended to loosen. This will destroy the dug holes and created nests, so the bear will be more difficult to multiply and spoil the plants.

Very effective work of setting traps in the garden. These can be bottles or jars with liquid buried in the ground along the neck, whole pieces of fresh manure or pieces of wood or slate. In the first kind of traps the bear will strive to refresh, in the second - to lay eggs, and under the third, she will spend sunny days. Whichever view you choose, they should be checked regularly (approximately once every 2 weeks) and collect a harmful "crop".

Very popular is the method of flooding with various liquids found on the site of moves, and then catching crawling insects from there. Usually they are located near vegetable beds. For this, you can take ordinary cold water or you can prepare special solutions, for example:

In order to protect the grown-up roots from the bear, it is recommended to cover the shredded egg shell, moved with sunflower oil, in the hole. This will not only kill the bear, who tried this treat, but it will be a mineral top dressing for your garden.

Marauders scarecrows

To choose the most optimal method for yourself, you first need to familiarize yourself with the list at all, which is afraid of the bear. What is this and how can I use it in the garden? Now let's open it:

  1. Noise and vibration. Installed around the perimeter of the noise garden, metal turntables or electronic scarers of small animals, creating vibrations in the soil, in 10-14 days will save you from the pest.
  2. Strong smell. The aroma of flowers, such chrysanthemums and marigolds, is very unpleasant to the bears, so if you plant them on the edge of your beds, it will bypass them. For the same purpose, you can use garlic, walnut leaves, alder rods, and even pieces of decaying fish. You can also water with solutions of onion husks or ammonia (2-3 tablespoons per bucket).
  3. Chicken droppings. If to fertilize the plantings with a solution of this fertilizer, then the bear will not appear on these beds.

To prevent the transition of the bear to you on the site from others, you can by making a groove on its border and filling it with broken glass, crumbs of brick or sand with kerosene. However, this method will not save you from pests that already exist on the site. In addition, completely remove the brick or glass from the soil is unlikely to succeed, and yet they can hardly be called useful additives for soil.

Knowing such simple ways how to get rid of a bear, you will not need to use chemicals that will harm the environment and your health.