Aevit for Hair

All girls dream of good hair. To get by nature a thick, obedient hair is not lucky to many. And if the curls do not get proper care, they will deteriorate over time. Aevit can be the saving and supporting means for the hair. These vitamins are sold in any pharmacy. As practice shows, in most cases, the effect of using the drug is better than the use of expensive drugs and special procedures.

Why is Aevita used in hair capsules?

Aevit is a multivitamin drug. It contains vitamins A and E. Strictly speaking, therefore, the drug is used to treat and restore the vitality of the hair:

  1. Vitamin A protects curls from the negative effects of ultraviolet light, promotes their growth and makes them less brittle.
  2. Under the influence of vitamin E, the head of hair becomes stronger, and the scalp - healthy.

"Working" in a pair of basic components make Aevit irreplaceable for hair. Among other things, the product helps to make the scalp more elastic, normalizes the process of tissue regeneration, if necessary, eliminates dandruff and peeling. The medication affects the hair on the inside, so the effect of its use persists significantly longer.

In what cases is Aevita's use for hair effective and effective?

Many girls use this multivitamin complex for preventive purposes. The drug helps not only to strengthen hair health, but also improves overall health.

With a view to the same treatment Aevit for hair is used in such problems:

  1. A common indication for the use of vitamins is alopecia . With this disease, hair is very active, and new ones grow too slowly. Accept Aevit patients with this diagnosis need long-term courses with interruptions. Totally protect against hair loss vitamins, alas, can not, but they will significantly slow down the process.
  2. Protecting from hair loss, Aevit also treats seborrheic dermatitis . A medication is able to cope with all kinds of illness. But its application in parallel with vitamin B will be more effective.
  3. Styling products and devices damage the hair and can cause scalp diseases. In such cases, local application of Aevit is advisable. It can be added to care products or used as a basis for masks.

Application of Aevita against hair loss

For prevention, you need to drink one capsule of medication once a day for a month. If serious treatment is required, increase the dose and drink a couple of tablets twice or thrice a day for two weeks in a row.

Patients who require a second course of treatment can spend it no earlier than three months or even six months.

The recipe for a hair mask with Aevit and onion juice


Preparation and application

Components are mixed and evenly applied to the roots of hair and skin. It is desirable to cover the mask with a film and wrap it with a towel. After half an hour - rinse with water. To make your hair better washed, it is recommended to wash your hair twice.

The recipe for a mask for hair with oils and Aevit


Preparation and application

Pour the contents out of the capsules and mix well with the oils. Wash liquid in the scalp. Just do it very carefully so as not to damage your hair. The next stage - wrap your head with a plastic wrap and a warm terry towel. After one hour, rinse the product off. This mask is recommended to do in those periods when hair is most needed support - in winter, autumn and spring.