Weather in Bulgaria by Month

From the beginning of June to the end of September, travelers to Bulgaria, confidently and systematically from all over the world, flock to Bulgaria , the main purpose of which is a full rest at the Black Sea. The Bulgarian climate is typical for a temperate-continental character, and this indicates the presence of all seasons of the year. Stara Planina, which, like a fence, protects the coastal country from the icy winds from Thrace, the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea - all this makes the climate special and in terms of vacationing attractive. But it's impossible to say exactly which average temperature is fixed in Bulgaria, because in winter it sometimes drops to a record -30˚C, and in summer it reaches the same value, but with a plus sign. So, it's worth talking about the weather in more detail.


In winter, the weather in Bulgaria spoils a variety. The temperature minimum in the resort country is observed in December, which is natural for these latitudes. If extreme winters are characterized by a temperature of -30 degrees, then warm winters are at least -13 degrees. It is difficult to call winters mild, you will agree.

But this has its pluses, because January is the optimal time for a fabulous vacation. The air temperature of the second winter month pleases with positive values ​​(4-6˚C). In addition, there is also a plentiful, suitable for skiing snow cover.

The February temperature in Bulgaria is the highest in winter, reaching 5-10 degrees Celsius. But it is February that is famous for snowfalls, and in the air it is already clearly felt spring.


March is significant for what is the end of the ski season in Bulgaria. For many foreign lovers of winter pastime, it is this month that the optimal conditions for skiing on the slopes are formed: the cover is normal, and there are no more frosty frosts. By the way, at 4-9 degrees of heat, the thickness of the cover on the slopes popular with skiers is still held at 1.5-2 meters.

In April, the water gradually becomes warmer (15-17˚C). It seems that during this period the region rests from crowded and noisy.

In Bulgaria, May is the time of active awakening of nature, and preparation of beaches for the expected influx of guests is already noticeable.


June is extremely hot, the temperature reaches 25 ° C, the water already warms up to 23 ° C. Often blowing sea cool winds.

July is, that is natural and predictable, the most favorable month in order to comfortably relax by the sea. The air warms up to 27 ° C, and the sea to 25 ° C. The peak of temperatures is lunch time, so it's better to hold it in shaded places.

August is in many respects similar to June. Already from early morning the sun literally melts! Temperature indicators are similar to July.


In September, the most beloved "gourmet rest" begins the velvet season. Water pleases with warmth, and the temperature is kept within 23˚C. However, in the evenings it can drop to 15 ° C - this is a sign that the autumn power comes into its own in the resort power.

October is a time when people visit the country for exciting excursions and sightseeing . Nature paints everything in the neighborhood in bright autumn colors, at which time the influx of tourists is reduced several times. Continues "rest from people" until the onset of the skiing season in Bulgaria.

November in Bulgaria is both an autumn and a winter month. It is impossible to predict what awaits small holidaymakers. The weather surprises with warmth, and may in a moment turn into a slushy winter.

We hope that this material, which shows the temperature and weather in Bulgaria by months, will help you to plan your trip correctly.