The child does not sit in 7 months

In pediatrics, there are many criteria by which doctors judge the development of the baby. Often, when visiting a hospital with a half-year-old carapace, doctors are interested in whether the child can sit, try to crawl, etc. It happens that in six months not all children can please their mother and surrounding people with the ability to sit on their own. At this age, doctors do not see any catastrophe in this, but what to do if the child does not sit at 7 months, pediatricians explain: do gymnastics, massage and watch its development.

Why does the child not sit at 7 months?

The common opinion about why the kid grieves his family and does not sit at this age, is still not there. Some doctors say that for boys who develop slightly more slowly than girls - this is not a pathology at all. Others say that some children are not as curious as their peers, or simply "lazy", for whom there is no need for additional movements. But in one thing they are in solidarity, if the child does not stay alone for 7 months, and there are no complaints about the physical or mental state, then he needs to strengthen the spine, the muscles of the back and abdomen.

Gymnastics and massage for babies

There is a set of simple exercises that in the form of a game will allow the baby to strengthen the muscular corset. They are performed on a soft coating 10 times.

  1. "Catch the Kiss"
  2. Exercise is very simple: the young man is put on his back, and they suggest that he take the index fingers of an adult. After that, slowly raise, sit down and kiss.

  3. "Take the Teddy Bear"
  4. If the child does not stay at 7-7.5 months, then ask him to reach out and grab for his favorite toy. To do this, place the child on soft cushions in a semi-sitting position and ask him to take it by the paws, for example, a teddy bear. Then pull the baby that he would sit down, and then turn the toy in different directions, making sure that the baby does not let go. This exercise very well strengthens not only the muscles of the abdomen, but also the spine.

In addition, a child at 7 months, if he does not sit, is recommended to do a massage (starting position: the child lies on his back):

Each exercise from this complex is recommended to perform six times on each side.

To summarize, I want to note that if there are no complaints about the health of the crumbs, then there is no need to panic. Perhaps his time just has not come yet, after all, do not forget that all the kids are individual.