Wedding bouquets from roses

Wedding bouquet is not the last detail of the image of the bride, which should harmoniously be combined with dress, shoes, hair and makeup.

To compose a bouquet of a bride you can use almost any flowers: lilies, orchids, chrysanthemums, peonies and even wild flowers. However, until now the most popular are the classic wedding bouquets of roses.

How to choose a bouquet of roses?

Roses look beautiful both independently and in combination with other colors. In this case, it is worthwhile to know that roses placed in a vase of water, produce a substance that can damage the flowers in the neighborhood. To the bouquet is not withered during the holiday, you need to buy it in portuquette. In principle, this applies to any other colors, especially if the celebration takes place in the summer. Portuquette will help to keep flowers in your bouquet throughout the day in an ideal way. Ideal neighbors for roses. These flowers not only look great together, but also influence each other well. Also, the combination of ordinary large roses with tea ones will look great.

The most persistent are wedding bouquets of red roses, which can not be said about whites. Even the freshest white roses have the ability to quickly darken. On their petals may appear small brown bends. Therefore, a wedding bouquet of white roses can not be called particularly stable and practical. But the cream roses in this respect are different - they are perfectly preserved.

Trend 2013 - wedding bouquet of roses in combination with peonies

This year's wedding trend is a flower arrangement of garden roses and peonies, which are perfectly combined due to their external similarity between themselves. After all, David Austin's garden roses, which are imported from Colombia and Holland, are even called "pion-shaped." Peonies used in such compositions are also not ordinary - and they are brought from Holland. Our local - absolutely not suitable for such purposes, as they wither without water for some half an hour. They will not be saved even by the portquette maker.

Wedding bouquet of bush roses

Separately, it is necessary to say about such a popular subspecies of roses, as bush or Rosa hybrida. Unlike conventional, they are much smaller in size. On one stem of the bush rose there are several miniature buds, which makes these flowers especially tender. A wedding bouquet of bush roses can be made as only from these flowers, and in combination with others. Any of the options will look very stylish.

Best wedding bouquet of shrub roses is suitable for a romantic image of the bride, especially with the use of light pastel tones. And, by the way about color. By choice of shades, the bush rose will satisfy even the most capricious bride. In addition, bush roses are both monochrome and bicolour. The only exception is that there are no blue roses of this kind.

How to choose the color of a wedding bouquet?

In principle, the bouquet of the bride can be executed in absolutely any color, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations:

  1. Do not choose a bouquet exactly in the color of the dress, so it just gets lost on its background. If you have a snow-white dress, choose, for example, a wedding bouquet from a bright red rose. It will look very impressive in the photos.
  2. If your dress is the color of champagne, cream or beige, in no case you can take a bouquet of white. Against this background, the wedding dress "will get dirty."
  3. Do not use more than three colors of roses to create your image, otherwise the general "picture" will be too mottled.
  4. If the wedding dress uses several shades, choose a bouquet that combines the same colors. Combine with Rosemary other flowers to achieve this effect.
  5. Such decorations of a wedding dress, like: rhinestones, pearls, stones, crystals or artificial diamonds, can be duplicated on a wedding bouquet. The same can be done if the dress is, for example, decorations in the form of flowers.

And most importantly: you need to remember that your wedding bouquet should fit into the overall style of your image. In any case, you can not combine a glamorous wedding dress with a bouquet of wildflowers. But roses will be universal - they will approach absolutely anybody along the bride.