Cartoons about the train

Children love to play with different modes of transport, which brings them closer to the real life of adults. Among cars, planes and ships, trains are particularly loved. And they are not only a favorite toy of boys, but also girls. Not less adoration is observed by children and behind the adventures of trains in animated scenes. Children like this cartoon, because he often acts as an amusing hero, who gives a good mood and is very happy. Sometimes the composition in the cartoons not only entertains the audience, but also teaches, acquaints with the phenomena of the surrounding world. But never do animators give trains negative traits, characteristic of negative heroes - malice, cunning, revenge. Probably that's why our children like cartoons about trains. But if a favorite child has seen a favorite video about locomotives that is called "up holes" and asks for a new one, parents call on the Internet to help. Therefore, our review should facilitate the search for good children's cartoons about trains for your child.

Russian and Soviet cartoons about trains

Of course, any parent first of all will recommend for viewing such favorite animated pictures of Soviet animators, from which they are kind and positive. But modern cartoons are also quite good.

  1. "Steam engine from Romashkovo" - probably the most famous children's cartoon about the train. He tells about a touching locomotive, which daily carries children to Romashkovo station. However, because of his love for flowers, the songs of the nightingale, he is constantly late to the place of arrival, thereby causing discontent with the boss. Especially children remember a cheerful song that the main character fervently performs.
  2. "Blue Arrow" - a screen version of the famous fairy tale of the Italian writer J. Rodari. This puppet cartoon tells how the boy looked at the toy store a blue train and really wanted himself to be. And toys, deciding to find a boy in the city, rush to meet adventure.
  3. The series "Trovushin Tishka" is a wonderful cartoon about the train for preschool children, in 36 series you can get acquainted with the cheerful locomotive Tishka and his friends.

Foreign cartoons about toy trains

  1. The series "Steam Engine Thomas and his friends" is one of the most popular British cartoons for little ones about trains. The picture tells about the relationship between the steam locomotive Thomas and his friends, as well as about their hilarious adventures.
  2. The series "Cheerful locomotives from Chuggington" is a funny cartoon, also of British production, which takes place in the non-existent town of Chuggington, where trains live - children and adults. Like all kids, locomotives like to pamper, because of what often fall into different stories.
  3. 16 series of the animated series "Magic Pencil" - "The Runaway Train". This animated video narrates about the search for the missing train.
  4. "Adventures of a small train" - a full-length animated picture of a small train that helped a small The boy and his favorite toys get out of the Land of Dreams.

Pay attention to the developing animated films , in which children are introduced to various phenomena and facts of the surrounding world.

  1. "Steam Engine Umnyasha" is a developing cartoon about a train that teaches letters, folds them into syllables and words.
  2. "Steam locomotive Chuh-chuh and days of the week" is one of the best developing cartoons about trains for toddlers, when watching it the children learn about the working week of the Chukh-chuh locomotive, and in the end they will hear a cheerful song.