Acute laryngitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Against the background of various viral infections, the inflammatory process often spreads in the mucous membrane of the larynx. In such cases, acute laryngitis develops - the symptoms and treatment in adults of this disease are well studied and worked out by otolaryngologists. If therapy of pathology is started on time and completely corresponds to the cause of the disease, recovery comes quickly, within 14 days.

How is acute laryngitis manifested in adults?

The disease under consideration begins unexpectedly for the patient. With a satisfactory general condition or mild discomfort, unpleasant sensations occur in the larynx:

Often, patients with ENT complain of a lump in the throat, the presence of a foreign object.

Progression of laryngitis is accompanied by increased discomfort:

Further development of the disease is characterized by the change of dry cough wet. First, the mucous viscous sputum separates, then it quickly acquires a yellowish-green hue and unpleasant odor, which indicates putrefactive processes.

In the absence of therapy, the disease will develop rapidly, there may be disturbances in respiratory activity, severe swelling, spasm and inflammation of the larynx, up to the formation of an abscess.

Than to treat acute laryngitis in adults?

The standard therapy of this pathology includes:

  1. Strict voice mode. As a rule, experts recommend not talking at all. If this is unavoidable, it is better to pronounce the words on exhalation, very quietly, but not in a whisper.
  2. Gentle diet. To prevent irritation of the laryngeal mucosa, you must give up hot, cold, spicy, salty and any other irritating food, stop smoking and take alcohol.
  3. Reception of warm alkaline mineral waters that promote liquefaction and accelerate the excretion of sputum.

Also, treatment of symptoms of acute laryngitis in adults involves the use of medications:

1. Expectorants:

2. Mukolititki:

3. Local antibiotics:

Bioparox .

In addition, the otolaryngologist can advise the implementation of instillations - infusion of antibacterial or corticosteroid solutions with a laryngeal syringe.