Presbyopia of the eye

Presbyopia of the eye, better known as senile myopia, is a vision disorder associated with a violation of the accommodation of the eye due to age-related changes. It is believed that the development of presbyopia is associated with changes that occur with age in the lens (loss of elasticity, dehydration, densification) and as a consequence - a violation of its ability to change the curvature.

Unlike congenital or early-sighted hyperopia, which can affect only one eye, presbyopia is usually observed in both eyes with approximately the same decrease in vision.

Symptoms of presbyopia

The pathology manifests itself as follows:

  1. There is fatigue in reading, working at the computer, activities that require visual loading.
  2. With prolonged visual load, there is a feeling of discomfort and even pain in the eyes.
  3. It is difficult to consider small details near.
  4. For comfortable reading, you have to increase the distance between the text and the eyes.

Treatment of presbyopia of the eyes

Age-related farsightedness, as a rule, is mild or moderate, but extremely rarely passes into a serious stage. Surgical treatment associated with refractive replacement of the lens, perhaps, although not often used.

Most often the treatment of presbyopia is based on the use of supportive and corrective therapy.

To correct vision with presbyopia use glasses or lenses. And, if before a person's vision problems were not observed, and when looking into the distance, the normal visual acuity remains, then the advantage is given to points that are used only for reading, working at the computer and other activities that require examining objects near. With more severe visual impairment, when glasses are needed constantly, contact lenses will be more comfortable for the patient.

A more complex problem is the presbyopia at presence of a patient's nearsightedness. Contrary to popular belief, with age, minus the plus does not change, and the development of age-long-sightedness does not facilitate myopia . Therefore, such people have to start up two pairs of glasses, for reading and for distance, or adjust myopia with lenses for reading, putting on top glasses. Another option for correction is the use of special multifocal contact lenses.

Supportive therapy consists of taking vitamin medications and applying special exercises that should help relieve tension from the eye.