What does the store dream about?

To get the most complete information about the dream, you can use several interpretations. Information also largely depends on the characteristics of the main object, as well as on the actions that you committed.

What does the store dream about?

Sleep, in which the shelves were empty, warns of possible failures. If you see a store in which a fire has started, then, soon you will feel a surge of energy that will help to cope with all current affairs. Even such a dream can portend surprises.

What does a clothing store dream about?

The store has a lot of clothes - it is a symbol of prosperity and material prosperity. Even such a dream predicts positive changes in life. If the counters and hangers were empty, then you can not achieve the desired goal.

Why dream of a grocery store?

To see a large room in which all the shelves are clogged with different products means you are in for a happy future. There comes a time in which all the things you started will end in success .

Why does a jewelry store dream?

A large number of decorations on shelves and shelves are a warning of the occurrence of various troubles and worries. If you choose jewelry, then you can be sure, all hopes will soon be justified.

What does the book store dream about?

If you bought books in a store, then you need to be careful in your love affairs. Just keep in mind that excessive feelings can cause different problems.

What does the shoe store dream about?

Shelves with shoes are a symbol of various hassles that will be directed at organizing an important meeting for you. Also such a dream can predict the adoption of an important decision. For a young girl, a dream in which she saw expensive shoes promises a meeting with a wealthy man.