Signs for Easter

Easter is one of the most significant holidays for Christians. There are certain signs for Easter, which our ancestors followed unquestioningly. People have long believed that it is at this time that the sky opens, and the souls of dead people have the opportunity to return to the burial site. People come to the cemeteries to honor their memory and talk with a loved one.

Signs, traditions and customs of Easter

At this time it is recommended to perform rituals to improve health, establish relationships , get rid of spoilage, etc. Mages believe that all the conspiracies spoken on this day have tremendous power.

Signs for early Easter:

  1. If someone died on this sacred day, this is a bad sign, indicating a series of deaths. When this happened, put the Easter egg of red color in the right hand of the deceased, and the other eggs should be given to other people.
  2. There is a sign for Easter on the money, according to which on the morning of the holiday you need to wash the water left on Clean Thursday. In a vessel with water it is necessary to put some object from silver, for example, a coin or a spoon. Our ancestors believed that such washing will give wealth and beauty.
  3. To get rid of the existing troubles and bad luck, you need to use the Easter candle to burn a cross on the door frame of your house.
  4. According to the existing folk note on Easter, if the red egg is rolled from a high mountain, then all problems in family relations will disappear. When it will roll, it is necessary to say these words: "How did the testicle come down from the mountain, so that the grief would be released from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen . "
  5. In order to find your soul mate, you need to get up early in the morning at sunrise and knock on your window. Thus it is necessary to say such words: "The Easter sun, roll across the sky, and you, the groom, come to my doorstep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ is risen, but to me is the bridegroom. Amen . "

When the bells ring, you need to go to church, holding a lighted candle and a basket of Easter eggs, dyed eggs, salt, vodka, lard, cheese and other products. In the church, the priest will consecrate the food.