Signs before Easter

For an Orthodox person, Easter Sunday and Holy Week itself are very important days. Therefore, there are many different traditions and beliefs associated with this period of time. About what signs before Easter were for our ancestors the most important we will talk today.

Folk features before Easter

Before the Paschal Sunday, Orthodox people celebrate the so-called Silent Sabbath. It is difficult to name this day, of course. It is believed that on this day you can not arrange any entertainment, noisy festivities and even engage in cleaning or washing. By the way, it's not accepted to go to the bathhouse either, because our ancestors believed that it's possible to attract diseases so washing is something that can not be done on the eve of Easter.

A good omen on Saturday before Easter will be if you remember the deceased in the church or in the cemetery. On this day many Orthodox people visit the churchyards, leave on the graves of relatives a treat, only not colored eggs or cakes , this food can not be touched for now. Remembrance of the deceased relatives will help strengthen ties with the spirits of the deceased, provide the house with protection from evil forces and evil spirits.

The night before Easter also has its own signs, first, at this time you can not sleep, it is better to go to church for a service called Vigil. If there is no opportunity to attend the service, you need to light a church candle in front of the icon of the house and pray, asking God for protection for your relatives and friends, and thanks to him and Jesus Christ for all the good that happens and will still happen in your life. Having done this, you will be under the protection of the higher powers, who will lead you from misfortune and misfortune.

Signs of the Friday before Easter

Good Friday is also a very special day, it is not supposed to be fun, as it is a grave sin, and it is also necessary to read the thanksgiving prayer. It is believed that at this time a person is most vulnerable to evil and evil forces, so you can not leave food on the table, after lunch or dinner, otherwise you can attract them.

Also, it is not recommended to give money or things borrowed on that day. Together with them you can give your health and happiness, it is better to wait until the end of this day, but if there is no way out and return the debt is still necessary, say to yourself the words - "He came with his own (came), left with his own." This simple plot will save you from unhappiness.

Remember that on Good Friday you can not invite guests to the house, it is considered a very bad omen . Together with visitors or under their mask, evil can come into the house, it will not be easy to drive it out.

Signs before Easter for love

In order to attract a beloved girl it was necessary to wash in Clean Thursday with special water, which insisted on silver and gold ornaments. After the bath followed this water, and then, in the near future, a woman could count on the appearance of a fan with serious intentions.

Men who wished after the Passover to make an offer to the girl and send the matchmakers had to watch closely how cattle behave in the yard, if he sees the future bride of his master. If the horses, cows or sheep were quiet, then it could be expected that the future marriage will be strong, the family will have prosperity and comfort. Well, in the case when the cattle started to beat with hooves or refuse to eat, it was worth considering whether it was necessary to organize their own family, or better still wait.

Believe or not to believe in these predictions, it's up to you personally to decide, but our grandmothers and grandfathers were often guided by different beliefs in making a decision, so maybe this makes a difference.