Why is the bitch knocking at the window?

Now, in the age of high technologies and the dawn of digital information carriers and various electronic devices, we are increasingly turning our attention to the world around us. On the nature we usually look through the TV screen or computer monitor. There are many different thematic canals about wildlife, where we will be told about various animals and birds, insects and fish. But if you digress from the TV screen and go out into the street or even just go to the window, you can see a huge world that hides in itself still a lot of unknown and incomprehensible! For example - people's signs associated with the world that surrounds us. For example, what does it mean when a titmatter knocks on the window.

Why is the bitch knocking on the window - signs and interpretations

Judging by folk dances, the titmouse is the Bluebird, and as some folk folklore experts say, it is a bird that brings good luck. If you believe them, then, when the bitch knocks on the window - then you can expect to be added to the family. So soon the family in whose house the titmock knocked - a child will be born, and the bird warns about it.

Also, the sound of a titmouse at the window says that soon the guests will come to this house. So you need to prepare and, as they say, cover the tables.

However, most of the people's signs say that when a titmouse is beating out of the window, it's a disaster. Perhaps to an illness or even to the death of someone from close relatives. Also, if the titmouse is beating out of the window, the sign that the soul of the deceased is asking to enter the house will not calm down and rushes in search of rest.

If you are a pessimist, then you need to perform a few simple actions for your own peace of mind.

All members of the family need to hang up scraps of red cloth on the window into which the titmock knocked.

To decompose the cluster of mountain ash (which is considered a magical tree) on the windowsills throughout the house.

Take from the house small coins and the youngest member of the family to take this money to the nearest intersection of roads and pour them out there while reading a protective plot.

Cover the windows with boards, collect your family and friends, and leave the house for about an hour or two, so that evil comes to your house and finds no one.

Carefully wash the window, which titmice knocked, adding a few drops of holy water to the water.

With a lighted church candle, go around all the rooms in the house counter-clockwise, reading prayers.

These tips will suit everyone who thinks that people's signs: a tit is knocking at the window - is a harbinger of something bad, terrible and terrible.

The natural nature of this phenomenon

For people who do not believe in signs, we can explain the reason that the bird tits on the window.

So, the tit one knocked at the window - why you need to find out. This is very simple. The fact is that, as a rule, the cases when titmouses knock on the window occur either in spring or in autumn. Just in those periods , when the birds begin spring or autumn migration. And since the birds do not distinguish whether there is a window in the window frame or not, they are cutting into it.

Males of tits, moreover, after a collision with the glass, notice their own reflection in it, see the rival and begin to attack it to show their strength.

Also, tits do not notice the glass, they try to get into the house where they want to find food. Therefore, after seeing how the bitch knocks on the window - pour some millet or bread crumbs into the bird feeder or under the window. Ideally, do not be lazy - make a birdhouse (or buy) and hang it on a tree and thus the birds will stop annoying you.

Thus, if it happens that a tit will knock at you in the window, you will know why it is so, and what it says.