What happens to the weight of Angelina Jolie?

We have to admit: Angelina Jolie looks very unhealthy. What happens to the Oscar-winning actress, Brad Pitt's wife and mother of six children?

Judge for yourself: Angie was very thin and bleached. The weight of the actress is 37 kilograms, with an increase of 169 cm!

Star husband and close actresses are very worried, but stubborn and self-confident artist does not pay attention to their persuasion to undergo treatment for anorexia!

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It is worth noting that Brad Pitt turned to various narrow-profile specialists for consultations: both gastroenterologists, psychotherapists, and nutritionists offered the actress their help, but to no avail.

The star of the films "Temptation" and "Gia", often Angie sleeps throughout the day, or does not eat at all the whole day.

It remains only to wish the actress and the ambassador of goodwill to finally start listening to the advice of their loved ones and take care of their health!