Sports corner in kindergarten

Babies visit the kindergarten in order to obtain new skills: communication, culture, self-service, etc. The physical education of preschoolers, which is necessary for the harmonious development of each child, is also included in the system of upbringing.

For this, in addition to the playing area, in each group of kindergarten should be equipped and a sports corner, which can include a variety of objects, projectiles and simulators.

Types of sports equipment for kindergartens

First of all, you should know what sporting design is needed for in kindergarten, including, so-called non-standard.

Firstly, these are mini-physical education classes that are included in any pre-school education program. On them preschool children are only learning to repeat the actions of the teacher, perform simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of their body, train coordination of movements.

Secondly, these are the collective developmental activities that are carried out by each educator in his group. They are aimed at developing large and fine motor skills, strength of hands, a sense of rhythm, and the like.

And thirdly, these are independent, "spontaneous" games of children who learn to interact in a team. The child can play alone, which often happens because of the natural activity and mobility of most preschool children.

So, as the elements of sports corners in kindergartens, the most commonly used are: Swedish walls, fitballs and balls of different sizes, rubber jumpers, gym mats and soft mats, hoops, skipping ropes, skittles, small dumbbells, trampolines , basketball rings or baskets, various sets for sports games. All this should correspond to the age group of children (younger, middle or older). Required is also musical accompaniment (acoustic system, speakers or at least a tape recorder).

In addition to the above props, which is used for group physical education, in each group, as a rule, there are non-standard materials. They are more suitable for independent children's outdoor games and should be accessible, so that each child could use this or that thing if desired. Usually such a props are made by the forces of parents and educators. Examples of such equipment for all kinds of sports entertainment in kindergarten can be:

It should be noted that the list of these items of orienteering in the kindergarten is not regulated by anything and depends only on the aspiration of educators to diversify the leisure time of their wards, make it more interesting and useful for health.