What to wear on the train?

From time to time, every person has to make long-distance or not-so-far trips by train. The comfort of your trip will largely depend on how prudent you are in choosing clothes for a trip on the train.

Clothes for the train

First of all, it's worth taking care of comfortable shoes. From the point of view of practicality and convenience, preference should be given to sneakers or shoes (sandals or sandals - on a season) on a low heel. Shoes with high heels or stilettos in this case will be inappropriate, and inconvenient. In addition, it is not superfluous to have a pair of replaceable shoes, in which you can walk on the car. Especially it concerns trips in the winter season, when being in warm shoes during the whole trip is not very comfortable.

As clothes, you can recommend a sports suit or trousers (jeans, and in summer shorts are appropriate) in combination with top, shirt, shirt or sweater (seasonally). Those who for some reason do not wear pants, you can recommend a knitted dress (wool or cotton depending on the season). At the same time, clothes made from non-perishing materials of non-primary colors are preferable, since during a long journey you will also have to sleep on the train.

If necessary, to travel during the hot season, in summer in particular, the question of what to put on the train is more important than ever. This is due, above all, to poorly operating air conditioners, and often with their absence. In such cases, shorts with a light T-shirt, top or T-shirt made from natural fabrics with high hygroscopicity (cotton, linen) will be irreplaceable. Alternatively, you can recommend a light dress-robe (but not a home!) Or a sundress of the same materials. In this case, if you go on holiday to the sea, such things you can wear later and as everyday.

Travel with comfort!