Oak bark - medicinal properties and contraindications

Oak has long been considered a majestic tree. He took part in the rituals and was used to build the most durable structures. In addition, the oak and its bark has a mass of medicinal properties and has practically no contraindications. The plant is used to create infusions, decoctions and ointments. It has antiseptic, healing, astringent and many other actions. The bark is rich in pectin, proteins, starches, tannins and other components.

Useful properties and contraindications to the bark of oak

The use of oak bark for the treatment of various ailments is based on its unique anti-inflammatory and astringent functions. That is why many doctors even today often prescribe lotions and decoctions for fighting diarrhea, inflammation of the internal organs. Tannins have a positive effect on the intestinal mucosa and stomach, which reduces absorption. Therefore, drugs based on the bark of oak are often used for poisoning .

In addition, the products on the basis of this plant are used in the form of compresses and liquids for washing with mechanical damages, skin problems, in gynecology and even in the dental sector.

Despite the fact that this remedy is natural, it has a strong effect. That is why in the treatment it is necessary to observe the prescribed dosage. Otherwise, the effect can be unpredictable. Many even advise before starting the application to consult a specialist who can tell all the necessary information.

As such, there are no obvious contraindications to the recipes using this plant. The only thing to remember is that tannins precipitate salts, metals, proteins and other components in the water.

Therapeutic properties of the oak bark for gums

Broth of the bark of oak


Preparation and use

Water is brought to a boil and a bark is placed in it. The dishes are transferred to a water bath, where the broth is prepared for another half an hour. After that the remedy is obtained. Then you need to leave it for another ten minutes just to stand, after which it is filtered. Use a decoction for mouth rinsing at least five times a day. The course of treatment lasts at least a week - it all depends on the severity of the lesion. It is desirable to prepare every day a fresh medicine.

Therapeutic properties of the bark of oak with diarrhea

Infusion of oak bark


Preparation and use

Raw material is poured with water at room temperature and left for nine hours. Then the infusion should be filtered. A medicine is taken one teaspoonful throughout the day. If the situation is reversed - constipation, you can use this liquid for enema .

Alcohol tincture


Preparation and use

The bark is covered in a bottle and poured into vodka. The medicine is being injected for a week. With diarrhea, take one teaspoon, diluted in water. No more than twice a day.

The healing properties of the oak bark for hair and head

Decoction against dandruff


Preparation and use

All raw materials are poured with boiling water and boiled for a small hour on a small fire. After this, the medicine is cooled and filtered. The resulting liquid is applied to the hair and scalp, the top is covered with a plastic wrap and a towel. To sustain it is necessary not less than two hours, and then to wash off usual shampoo. It should be noted that while the hair color may change slightly. The procedure is done at least every other day, and preferably in two, until the problem is gone.