Karkade tea - useful properties

Karkade is one of the floral types of tea. Brew it from the flowers of hibiscus. Its gentle spicy taste can not be compared to any other. But, in addition to the excellent taste characteristics, the carcade tea has useful and even medicinal properties.

Composition of carcade tea

Karkade tea was known in ancient Egypt. In this country with a hot climate it was drunk all over the place, as it perfectly quenched thirst. But the widespread distribution of karkade was obtained only after it was possible to analyze the chemical composition of the hibiscus petals. Then it turned out, how unique is the content of useful substances in them.

Tea is rich in essential amino acids, fruit acids, easily digestible carbohydrates, bioflavonoids, pectin and mucous substances. Carkad contains:

There are a lot of organic acids in the carcade, but in spite of this, there is no oxalic acid in this tea. Thanks to this, you can safely drink it even to people who have kidney problems.

Useful properties of carcade tea

The therapeutic properties of karkade tea are that this drink is able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, regulating their permeability. In addition, it has antitumor activity and can reduce the rate of formation of fatty deposits.

Red tea karkade has cleansing properties. It excellently removes slag from the body. Also this kind of tea stimulates the immunity and the work of the gall bladder, protecting the liver. This drink helps to rapidly lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and improves the general condition of a person.

Karkade tea has other useful properties, it normalizes blood pressure and improves blood circulation. You can use it and hypertensive patients, and hypotension. There is an opinion that for lowering the pressure it is necessary to drink cold tea, and to increase - hot. In fact, in the stomach, it gets about the same temperature, so you can drink it the way you like it!

Tea with carcade also has antibacterial properties. It is often used in the complex treatment of intestinal infections and diseases caused by staphylococci without damaging the normal intestinal microflora.

The curative properties of carcade tea are successfully used in the therapy of such diseases:

This kind of tea is incredibly effective for influenza and serves as an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent.

This drink is also drunk for:

Those who want to lose weight, you must necessarily drink karkade tea. Its useful properties in losing weight are that it removes all excess fluid from the body, enhances metabolism and has a mild laxative effect. A drunk on an empty stomach karkade - this is an excellent anthelmintic.

Contraindications to the use of carcade tea

The properties of carcade tea also include the fact that it increases the acidity of gastric juice. That is why it should not be drunk to people suffering from gastritis with high acidity or peptic ulcer.

Contraindicated tea karkade with exacerbation of urolithic or cholelithiasis.

You can not use it when there are individual allergic reactions to this drink.

If you do not abuse this delicious and useful tea, it can not hurt. But for children up to a year it is better not to give it.

Caution should be combined with carcade with the use of paracetamol, anti-cancer drugs and drugs that lower blood pressure.