Where to host New Year's corporate?

Corporate New Year is different from all other New Year celebrations. First, it takes place long before December 31. Secondly, the collective, as a rule, remains unchanged, and you can not choose with whom you want to celebrate the coming of the New Year, and with whom not. The only questions that you can influence are "How to organize?" And "Where to celebrate?" New Year's corporate. Actually these same questions will become a topic for discussion in our today's conversation.

In fact, there are not so few places where New Year corporate can be handled, and it is possible to select a room and program for every taste. But the problem is not this, as they say. All the difficulties begin during the discussion of various options, where you can celebrate the New Year's corporate. Here, as a rule, each employee puts forward and defends his idea of ​​holding a holiday, and there is no need to talk about compromises. Therefore, it is very important to choose two or three responsible activists who will take all organizational arrangements under their control and be identified with a place for the New Year's corporate, and everyone else will have to agree with their choice.

Where to celebrate New Year's corporate?

The first option is in the office. Most often this option is chosen at the very last moment, because nothing better was invented, and in all standing places on the eve of the New Year everything is crammed to the eyeballs.

Previously, the office where you are going to hold a New Year's corporate, you need to prepare for a large number of participants in the celebration. To do this, all the important documents are transferred in advance to another office (room), for they risk being flooded with champagne, torn or lost. It is also better to remove expensive computer and office equipment, and beating items. Then the room is decorated with New Year's tinsel, a Christmas tree is put up, and everything is decorated in accordance with the New Year theme.

The second option is in the club. In the night club. If the organization is large, you can even completely withdraw the club and make a private party. The advantage of this option is the lack of need to prepare a room, treats, clean up the consequences of a party.

Option three - a removable room. Most often, this option is resorted to when the holiday is completely organized by an outside firm. Or the collective very closely communicates with each other, and nobody bothers holding a New Year celebration in a rented house or a sauna.

How to organize a New Year's corporate?

As we have already said, a holiday can be organized on its own.

In this case, you need to decide where you want to spend the New Year's corporate (your office, club, rented room). If the place where you decide to go to the New Year's corporate will be a club, then all organizational matters will consist only in choosing a specific club and booking places. And if you stop on the first or third option, then the terms of reference of the organizer are significantly increased.

First, it is the preparation of the premises, the purchase of food and the preparation of meals. In order to save time and human resources, it is more expedient to order ready-made meals at the nearest cafe or department of cooking large supermarkets. For an office holiday, one-time tableware is also suitable, it will save time and save an extra half of the team from unnecessary workload.

Then you should think over the program of the holiday, distribute the roles and sew (order) festive costumes. The script of the corporate holiday can be borrowed in the global network, written in-house, or ordered from professionals. And the preparation of carnival costumes is better placed directly on the employees themselves, the organizers of the holiday simply will not be able to do it physically.

And finally, the last is a fun time.