Diet for gastritis - recipes

Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life often does not allow us to eat properly, and monitor the time of eating. As a result, frequent snacking mixed with stress causes most people such a disease as gastritis.

First and foremost, the doctor prescribes a diet for stomach gastritis , the recipes for which correspond to the type of disease. More about what you need to eat to get rid of this disease, we'll tell you now.

Recipes for dishes for gastritis

Since the appointment of a diet is directly engaged in a doctor, we offer you several dishes that you can prepare yourself without worrying about your health.

The recipe for a diet for gastritis with low acidity:

Carrot soup with mashed potatoes



Carrots thoroughly washed, cleaned, cut into small pieces and sent to cook in meat broth. When the carrot is finally welded, remove it, wipe it through a sieve and then "pour" it into the broth. Melt the butter in a frying pan and pour out the flour into it, fry it, then add 5 spoons of broth to the mixture, mix it and add everything to the soup. We mix thoroughly, wait until all this boils, and then we put it aside. Quickly beat the egg with milk, stir the soup, so that a funnel is formed, into it and pour the resulting mixture, continuing to stir. Now our carrot soup-puree is ready for use.

Potato zrazy with meat

The recipe for a diet for gastritis with high acidity



We add salt to water, cook meat in it, let it cool down and grind it in a meat grinder. We clean potatoes, cook whole, after the preparedness is taken out, and weighed with oil, egg and salt. Now the most interesting - we make potato cakes, we put meat on them and tighten all the edges so that the stuffing does not fall out anywhere. We prepare the zrazy in a steamer for about 10-15 minutes.