Why does a child spit a fountain?

Many mothers are interested in the nature of regurgitation of babies. It is important to understand that this is a physiological process that accompanies the development of the stomach. Parents can be scared that regurgitation is abundant, sometimes even through the nose. Therefore, mothers should understand this issue.

What is regurgitation?

Regurgitation in infants is normal, but if it looks like a vomiting, parents can be very frightened, because it is so important to understand the question of why a child spews a fountain after feeding.

First we need to find out what this phenomenon is. From the stomach contents are thrown into the esophagus, and then into the mouth and out. All this happens involuntarily, the pushing out is done by the effort of the stomach. Ventral walls do not strain at this.

The greater the effort of the stomach, the more plentiful will be the regurgitation. Normally, the volume should not exceed 2 tablespoons. In the latter case the crumb turns pale, it can sweat, his abdominal muscles contract. If the baby has vomiting, then you need to call an ambulance.

A child spews a fountain - causes

In a number of cases, this process is physiological, and in most babies everything goes on about half a year. But sometimes the phenomenon is associated with a violation of the health of the crumbs, and in this case it is important to identify the problem. Here are the main reasons for regurgitation:

If a woman is wondering why a child spits a fountain after breast-feeding or a mixture, then, first of all, it should be analyzed whether it gives the baby a bottle or a breast.

But if a crumb regurgitates too much and often, then it's an occasion to turn to a specialist. Lactose intolerance, various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, and even infectious diseases, can be the cause of the phenomenon under discussion. Therefore, mother should be attentive to her child.