Sansevieria - species

The room flower "Teschin tongue" or "Tenderness" is scientifically called sansevieria (or sansevera) and has several dozen species. About the most common for home-grown of them, we will tell in more detail in this article.

Sansevieria three-lane or Guinean

This species is considered the most popular for indoor growing. This is due to the decorativeness of the erect leaves of Sansevieria three-lane - green in stripes with a yellow or white border. The height of some varieties can reach 1-1.2 m. Flowering occurs in spring or autumn. During it grows a flower spike, crowned with a brush of small, light green flowers with a strong pleasant smell.

The oldest varieties of this species are "Laurenti" and "Craig". All other available varieties appeared relatively recently. They are: the White Sansevera, Hanni and his sports (Golden Hanni, Silver Hanni and Hanni Kristata), Futura, Robusta, Munshain, Nelson, etc. Despite the different shape and height of the leaves, each of these varieties retains characteristic species features.

Sansevieria cylindrical (cylindrical)

A characteristic feature of this species is the shape of the leaves. The dark green leaf plate is twisted into a cylinder, the diameter of which is 1-2 cm. In total, they can grow to 150 cm. A longitudinal groove runs along the entire length of the sheet, and at the end there is a small dry point. During flowering, a flower spike with a height of about 50 cm appears, on which light-cream flowers grow.

Sansevieriya Khan

If the previous species attract the attention of flower growers with their long leaves, then this one, on the contrary, is its miniature. Sansevieriya Khan is a low-rooted rosette of fleshy leaves no longer than 30 cm long with a characteristic coloration of this plant.

In addition to these two kinds of sansevieria, a houseplant can be grown:

But about one species, botanists have not yet come to a common opinion - it's kind or a sort of sansevieria three-lane. It is a question of Sansevieria zeylanika. This plant with wide medium-sized leaves, decorated with silvery-green spots or wavy bands. It is very popular not only for decorativeness, but also for unpretentiousness in care.