Why does the dog molt in the winter?

Moulting is a natural seasonal process in the life of a dog. And if you are interested in the question of how many times the dog sheds, it is normally considered that the change of wool should occur twice a year - before the onset of winter cold and, on the contrary, with the advent of the hot season. But often dog owners face such a problem - the animal sheds all year round and, naturally, the question arises - why this happens. / At once it is necessary to make a reservation that such reasons as avitaminosis, allergy, skin diseases, problems with a gastrointestinal tract or failures of a hormonal cycle at a bough are excluded. The reason consists that at dogs which are contained in most cases in the conditions of modern apartments (private houses) at a stable temperature, the natural biorhythm malfunctions and moult is constantly occurring.

Simply put, the dog's organism simply does not know when it's time to change the "summer coat" to a warmer winter one and vice versa. Immediately there is another quite reasonable question, but is it dangerous for a dog to moult in the winter? As the process itself - no. But here the reason (the content in the greenhouse conditions), which caused molting, can lead to a number of problems. First of all, the resistance of the dog's organism to various diseases, primarily infectious, decreases.

Among the reasons why the dog molts in the winter, there may be an ordinary age change of wool . Typically, this moult passes in the monthly puppies, and then in the grown dogs at the age of six months.

A dog moults - what to do?

  1. In order not to create unnecessary problems in the form of constant cleaning, during the moult, comb the dog daily. This will help remove hair loss and faster growth of new ones.
  2. Arrange the dog's place away from the heaters.
  3. Walk the dog daily, regardless of the weather. Useful, even if not frequent, but long walks (more than daily walks) and physical activities in the form of jogs, games or other active activities.