Leptospirosis in dogs - symptoms and treatment

Doggy Leptospirosis is the most common infectious disease. It affects the blood vessels, liver, kidneys, intestines, etc. Once in the body, this infection gradually destroys everything in its path, releasing toxins that eventually damage the brain, thereby causing vomiting and convulsions . Medical assistance with leptospirosis is simply necessary, otherwise after two weeks of exhaustion and intoxication, a fatal outcome will occur.

Leptospirosis in dogs - symptoms and signs

The main signs of leptospirosis: the body temperature rises sharply, regular indigestion begins, vomiting, convulsions, urine production stops. To understand how and what happens to the dog, we will try to describe it step by step.

At the very beginning of the disease, the pet begins to move much less than usual. Most of the time, he has an appetite. The animal practically ceases to respond to commands. The temperature rises to 41 ° C. A few days later, breathing becomes more frequent. Diarrhea begins, vomiting, sometimes even with blood. There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth. On the nose there are spots that in a few days form foci of skin dying.

The amount of urine sharply decreases, and its color becomes brown. Begin to form small ulcers in the mouth. On the coat and on the skin a plaque with a nasty pungent odor is formed. In a couple of days, constipation will replace indigestion. The dog completely refuses the liquid. Breath very heavy, with wheezing. The temperature drops to 37 ° C and even lower. Strong depletion begins to develop. And a couple of days later there will be convulsions.

Leptospirosis - Causes

Improper feeding and keeping dogs can lead to a decrease in immunity, and subsequently to infection with leptospirosis. They can get infected through feces of sick animals. But the main way of infection of dogs is food and contaminated water, which they can consume.

Treatment of such a serious disease should be done only in the clinic. So if you see any of the signs of this disease in your dog, consult a qualified veterinarian.