Coryza in the cat

In vain, many cat owners think that the runny nose of their pet is a trifle, and you can not pay attention to it. It's not like that at all. First and foremost, these animals have a sharp sense of smell, so the difficult nasal breathing causes them a heightened sense of discomfort. But, in addition, the common cold can talk about a serious disease of the animal, which, with a negligent approach, can cause extremely negative consequences.

Coryza in the cat: symptoms

If the cat has a clear, watery discharge from the nose, but it behaves actively and there is no other symptomatology, you should not worry. The cause of this can be any irritating nasal mucosa or an allergy . Eliminate this inconvenience quite simply by washing the nose with a weak solution of dioxidine or furacilin.

But the cat may have other symptoms of the common cold, which are a consequence of the onset of some serious diseases:

All this may indicate the presence of an animal in a viral or infectious disease. Take this seriously and immediately proceed to treatment.

How to cure a cold in a cat?

In the event that a cold in a cat was caused by a cold, it is necessary to improve the conditions for its maintenance. And to treat the rhinitis directly, you can apply warming of the nose. For this, sand is poured into a small sack, it is heated in a frying pan, and then applied to the area of ​​the nose.

The mucous membrane of the nose can be irrigated with a 1% solution of soda. With thick discharge from the nose, it is recommended to instill it with the juice of boiled beet. If, on the contrary, the discharge is liquid, then the nose can be dried with the help of streptocid powder. For this, the powder is carefully blown into the nose of the animal. Also streptocide is used for chronic coryza.

But any treatment should be agreed with the veterinarian. He will prescribe the necessary cure for the coryza. In addition, before visiting a doctor, you do not need to use any medications. This condition is met in order for the specialist to be able to objectively assess the picture of the disease. And in no case should you try to treat the animal with "human" medicines. After all, they can lead to paralysis or even the death of your pet!