Puer tea - Properties

Puer, or Chinese post-fermented tea gave us the province of Yunnan. And he named it in honor of one of her counties - Pu Er (that in translation "a place where there is a lot of water"). Historians managed to establish an approximate time of its origin - III century BC. Hence, Puer tea is quite unique and has quite a deep tradition of making. And they are, first of all, in a special way of preparing raw materials for the production of puer. So it, first of all, is exposed to natural or artificial aging. Seven to eight years takes tea aging with natural aging, it bears in itself changes in the composition of substances in tea, and has an effect directly on its taste and aroma.

The artificial aging of raw materials takes much less time, but here it is subjected to a rather active fermentation. After the raw materials are disposed of in heaps and sprinkled with water, it stays for 30 to 100 days. Complete the process by drying and then for another year it is kept.

Of course, on the human body, the Puer of a ten-year exposure will have more useful effect, but artificially aged pueras also have a fairly good list of medicinal qualities.

Useful properties of Puer tea

Black Puer tea and its properties are known for a long time.

It has the glory of a drug of wide application. The Chinese call it "tea from a hundred diseases." Probably, that is why studying the influence of Puera on the human body is included in the program of national health preservation. Fairly authoritative institutions are studying the useful properties of Puer tea. The results obtained by scientists and physicians are very impressive.

He is an indispensable assistant for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, as with his regular use, a decrease in blood viscosity is observed.

For people who have any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it will simply be irreplaceable. After all, this is the only tea that is recommended for taking stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. He restores the intestinal microflora and has also been proven effective for various poisonings. Promotes better digestion.

It is noted that Puer tea is a preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases. It clears the blood vessels, lowers the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.

Puer tea for weight loss

It's not for nothing that Chinese Puer tea is a special place in modern nutrition.

Recently, many nutritionists recommend adding this tea to the diet to achieve weight loss. It's all about his ability to reduce appetite without irritating the gastric mucosa. Great popularity is gained by "pueri diets". This is due to its fairly rich composition. It includes vitamins, tannins, essential oils and other microelements. They just have the ability to accelerate the process of metabolism , which entails burning fat. Therefore, it is commonly believed that Puer tea gives the effect of losing weight.

Properties and contraindications of Puer tea

Despite the rather impressive list of useful properties of Puer tea, it still has several contraindications.

First of all, it can not be used by pregnant women and children up to 10-12 years of age. This is due to its caffeine content, which can be very detrimental to them. Therefore, people who are dependent on coffee, with caution to it refers.

It is not necessary to drink Puer tea with exacerbation of a number of chronic diseases, among them gastric ulcer, psychasthenia, hypertension , glaucoma.

In any case, using Puer tea, it is necessary to rely on your inner sensations. After all, everything is good in moderation.