Why dream of a village?

Dreamers interpret dreams based on the centuries-old experience of people who saw certain images during a night's rest. To find out what the village is dreaming, dreams and life events of many people were analyzed.

What does the village of childhood dream about?

A dream about a village of childhood often indicates that a person wants to return to the serene times, of which the dream recalled. And this is not always a childhood. Perhaps a dreamer misses a past relationship or an ex-spouse. This vision is worth paying attention if parting with a loved one has occurred through the fault of the dreamer. In this case, he will not be hindered by the initiative to resume relations.

A beautiful and prosperous village of childhood, seen in a dream, promises happiness and health. Moreover, this dream says that there are favorable times for advancement on a career ladder. Women such a dream promises to strengthen family relations and love loved ones.

An abandoned village with ruined houses dreams of an unfavorable life strip. A person can not prevent to prepare in advance for difficult times and not to lose heart.

Why dream of a house in the village?

A house in a village can dream of buying a real home, if the thought of it is often visited by the dreamer. If the dreamed house in the village is on a sound foundation, it can mean that the dreamer's affairs are going well and his plans will be realized.

Why dream of an old house in the village?

The old village house dreams of sadness and sadness. Well, if the action in a dream will occur in the summer - a bad mood for a long time will not last. But if the action in a dream occurs in the winter - it can promise a long depression .

What is the grandmother's house in the village dreaming about?

A dream about the grandmother's house is almost always evidence of a lack of warmth in the life of a dreamer from the relatives. And, probably, in this case it is a consequence of own indifference. Seeing a dream it is desirable to surround relatives with attention and care. Then you yourself will miss the very absence of warm emotions.