Babkin's signs to make money

To our days many different signs have come, which arose in ancient times. In them the wisdom of not one generation is hidden, but the share of imagination is still present. You can find many different people who confirm that they have experienced the grandmother's signs on themselves, so that money can be. Observing simple rules, you can improve your financial situation and avoid problems. People who work with energy argue that money is a powerful guide, so it's worth treating them with respect.

Babkin's signs to make money

  1. Many make the mistake, when after calculating for purchases, they leave coins, because in this way you can offend money.
  2. It is forbidden to sit down on the table, and also to put on it a cap or gloves. Money to turn away from such a master.
  3. In the house there should be no empty vessels and the more so they should not be on the table. They should definitely put a few coins.
  4. According to the famous grandmother's note, money loves order in the house. It is necessary to clean up in the morning, as sweeping away garbage in the evening, you can drive away money energy. It is important to leave the edge to the middle of the room.
  5. A broom in the house must be stored in a corner, putting it with the handle down. So you can multiply your well-being.
  6. In the wallet there should be nothing superfluous, that is, receipts, notes, etc. Garbage fills all space that is intended for money. You can not keep photos of people close to you in your wallet.
  7. It is forbidden to take money from hand to hand. Correctly put them first on the table or any other surface. There is another sign that it is better to give money to the right, and take it with your left hand.
  8. The famous grandmother of the sign - if you see the wedding cortege, then in no case can you cross his path, because you can turn away from your luck.
  9. In one of the departments of his wallet it is recommended to keep an unchangeable coin or a bill. It will be a kind of talisman that will attract monetary energy.
  10. Denominations in the wallet should not be crumpled and they need to be stored face-to-face, from a larger money to a smaller one.
  11. It is forbidden to keep savings in the bedroom, because this is a place for rest, and so the finances will sleep. You can not hide money in the bathroom or toilet, because they will just "float away" from you. The best place to store is the kitchen and the living room.
  12. The dining table must necessarily be covered with a tablecloth and under it must necessarily put paper money.
  13. Easy money, that is received not for hard work, it is recommended to distribute or spend on pleasures.
  14. There is another interesting grandmother of a sign that money should be kept, it concerns the fact that leaving the house, it is necessary to leave a bill on the mirror. Money will be reflected and multiplied.
  15. It is forbidden to spend all the money until the last penny, the purse should not be empty, because it attracts poverty.
  16. It is believed that if there is a tap in the house and water is dripping, then so will the finances.
  17. During meals, you can not put an empty bottle on the table, as there will be no money. Place it under the table, where it will not interfere.
  18. It is believed that a person will always have money if he gets a habit of cutting his nails on Tuesday and Friday.
  19. It is forbidden to raise money on the street, and especially it concerns crossroads. In general, it is at the crossroads that people get rid of ritual things, so raising coins can call for trouble.
  20. There will be no money if you put a bag with a wallet on the floor, lend on Tuesdays, transfer money through the doorstep and count them in the evening.