Kazan Mother of God, holiday July 21 - signs

To this day many different signs have come, many of which are related to Christian holidays. A few decades ago, signs were considered a law that must be implemented so as not to bring disaster. Today every person has his own opinion on this matter, but still superstition is part of the story.

Signs on the feast of the Kazan Mother of God on June 21

On this day, rye stubble begins and the harvest is longer, the first sheaf is cut off and brought home. He was placed near the icon of the Mother of God and asked for a blessing. After dinner, all the people went to the field where the celebration was held. There they were treated to boiled eggs and pies. The shell was scattered in the corners of the field and said:

"Mother of God, bless and harvest a rich gift. Amen. Amen. Amen"!

After that, it was necessary to bow to the four sides and cross himself three times.

Another sign for July 21 is for girls who want to get married. Single ladies need to go out at midnight from 20 to 21 July to go to the nearest hillock. There the girl must collect various herbs, bring them home and leave them at the icon of the Mother of God. Having woken up in the morning, it is necessary to wash and wipe the face three times with the hem of the shirt, and then, read the "Our Father". After this, the icon should be thrown over itself and at this time to think about love . The girl should ask the saint to help find love.

Signs on the summer Kazan Mother of God:

Another famous national sign on July 21 - on this day it is forbidden to swim in the water, since from ancient times there was information that on this holiday the water splashed in the pond and can take the person with them. Water can attack people who rinse their clothes.