Lazarev Saturday - signs and customs, what can and can not be done in Lazarev Saturday?

All Orthodox people know that Lazarev's Saturday, the signs and customs of which are observed and to this day, comes at the end of Lent. The events that take place on this day are often equated with mysticism and, according to the decrees, observe certain rites and listen to signs.

What is Lazarev's Sabbath in Orthodoxy?

Church ministers know perfectly well what their statute says and what Lazarev means Saturday. A week before the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, on Saturday the resurrection of Lazarus is revered and this holiday is symbolic. On the fourth day after the burial of Lazarus, Jesus and his disciples on the way to Jerusalem (where he will soon be crucified) visited Bethany, where he showed the miracle of the Lord to the people, resurrecting Lazarus. Thanks to this miracle, believing in the Son of God, became much more. In addition, Christ shows to the people that victory over death is very close and soon one will be able to obtain eternal life (which will show again when it rises on the third day after the crucifixion).

Lazarev is Saturday - what can not be done?

Given all the events that occurred in those days, you can imagine what became a sin. The Bible described that day as very important and therefore one must know what can not be done in Lazarus Saturday.

  1. Postpone for the rest of the hard work. Washing, cleaning and so on are strictly prohibited.
  2. Up to this day, there are no home-made vertebral twigs.
  3. The end of the post says about the ban on certain types of food.

In general, the question whether you can work in Lazarev Saturday, there is an unambiguous answer - no. It is better to spend this day on walks on friends and relatives or visiting the church. A little alcohol is allowed, but only wine or Cahors, other species remain banned. Do not overdo it with the festivities, lavish feasts on Saturday are not recommended.

Do the departed people remember Lazarev on Saturday?

As practice shows, there are no restrictions on the commemoration of the dead on this day. Many are wondering whether it is possible to visit the cemetery in Lazarev on Saturday, and the Orthodox clergymen unanimously say yes. The only thing that should be observed is the Great Lent and make a menu with its account. It is believed that on that day a funeral service is not held, although for some reason the funeral service has not been canceled.

Lazarev Saturday - what can you eat?

The Great Lent, the completion of which comes a week after Lazareva's Sabbath gives some relief, in honor of the great God's messenger. Finding out if you can eat fish in Lazarev's Saturday, you can answer in the affirmative. It is allowed to eat this day:

Lazareva Saturday - signs

You can see that this day is not too rich in signs and superstitions . On the one hand, this is good, people have more time for themselves and for rest. Lazarev has a Sabbath for signs of marriage, which all young girls carefully performed.

  1. Dress up in a wedding dress and show up in front of your loved ones.
  2. Walking home and pet songs, getting for this sweet reward.

It is worth remembering whether you can clean up on Lazarev Saturday. Refusal of physical work is also one of the signs, in addition the following beliefs are taken into account:

  1. Willow twigs are collected and illuminated.
  2. It is not advisable to perform wedding ceremonies and celebrate birthdays.
  3. Variety of table sweet pumpkin dishes.
  4. Truck farmers need to plant peas so that the crop on its site is rich.

Lazareva Saturday - Rite of Money

A serious conspiracy to pay money to Lazarev was not held Saturday, as the Orthodox do not always take wealth into the house. The only thing that could be seen in the houses, it's strange strokes of the vertebral branches. At the same time it should be sentenced: "Verba whips, beat to tears." So in the houses secured and full, and from the person all unclean was withdrawn. This custom is almost a thing of the past and now few people realize this rite. Lazarev is Saturday, the signs and customs of which are not known to everyone, most of them an ordinary day, foretelling a Sunday celebration.

Lazareva Saturday - Prayer

A visit to the church on this day is not so necessary. All believers go there and put candles, pray, light up the willow. And for people far from church affairs it will be interesting to listen to the events that are told about that time. The great resurrection of man is not erased from memory and is passed on to a new generation. Listening to the legends of the past and reading prayers, one can immerse oneself in those events and become a witness to the victory of Christ over death. Many do not know what they pray to Lazarev on Saturday , but after listening to sacred singing once, there is a desire to again come to the priesthood.

Yako is a great treasure and wealth, who has come to us from Cyprus, Lazare, the Providence of all God, with the command of the pious king, who gives him healing thanks to the gift, delivering from misfortune and from all harm, by faith crying: save all with your prayers, Lazarus our Father. The general resurrection before Your passion is assuring, from the dead you raised Lazarus, Christ the God. We are the same, for we are bearing the signs of the victory of a sign. To the conqueror of death we cry: Hosanna in the highest, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.