Why not give slippers?

There is a belief that not every gift brings luck and joy to the owner. This sign especially comes into play if the recipient of the gift is superstitious and hypochondriac. Such a person can really be upset about the gift-sign, and a negative attitude towards the gift can, in the final analysis, form the circumstances that will confirm the omens.

Along with sharp objects, watches and yellow flowers, the status of "gift to misfortune" was given to slippers . It turns out that they can not be given. On the question "why not give slippers", there are several versions that explain the relationship of home shoes and possible failures.

A sign to give slippers - myths and legends

On the subject of this prohibition, there are several "bad" versions. Here are some of them:

  1. The world of the dead. It is believed that slippers are an offer to go to the next world. Belief came to people from Asian countries, where dead people are buried in new shoes, most often slippers. In addition, many heard the expression "to see in a coffin in white slippers."
  2. To separation. It is believed that if you give such a gift to a loved one, then you will necessarily have a conflict that will cause separation . This applies to both lovers and friends.
  3. Hint of cohabitation. There is an opinion that if you give home slippers to a beloved man with whom you do not yet live, then it will be susceptible to a hint of cohabitation. As a result, a confusing situation may arise.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons not to give home shoes. But should they follow? If you drop superstitions and look at the situation from a different angle, slippers will be an excellent gift for the girl's birthday, housewarming, or for the birthday of the child. Warm slippers will warm your feet, give comfort and comfort. Therefore, you can give slippers and even need! The main thing is that the gift was presented with a pure heart.