Pumpkin - when to harvest?

Everyone knows that autumn is harvest time. But when it comes to business, an inexperienced gardener thinks: when exactly should you harvest the pumpkin ? It is very important not to lose time with the terms: remove the vegetable should be before the frost, but after it ripens. So, let's look at this issue.

When can you harvest pumpkins of different varieties?

The answer to the question, when harvesting pumpkins in the middle band, is quite vague: from late August to early October. To more accurately determine the time of harvesting, you need to know what kind of pumpkin grows in your garden. As you know, pumpkins can be:

It is important not only to determine the variety, but also to know about the characteristics of a particular variety of pumpkins. For example, early-ripening varieties that have a thin peel and juicy pulp are removed starting from the middle of August. They are consumed for 1-2 months, since early-ripening pumpkins are not stored for a long time.

But the medium-ripening varieties ripen approximately 4 months after planting (to be more precise, from 110 to 120 days). The time of their harvesting is in September. They are stored somewhat longer than the early ones.

As for the late pumpkins, they need a little more time to ripen (from 120 to 200 days). As a rule, they are cleaned at the end of September, and the fruits are often removed immature. They perfectly "reach" for several months, and late-ripening varieties can last for a long time - all winter and even spring. The main thing is to have time to collect a pumpkin before the first frosts so that it does not freeze (in this case it will not be stored). In the southern regions, where frosts come in late autumn, the pumpkin can be found on the beds until November.

Signs of pumpkin ripening

When you harvest a pumpkin, you can determine by some external signs. So, the mature pumpkin is distinguished:

But the beautiful bright color of the fetus is not always a sign of his maturity. And vice versa: many pumpkins that have ripened, juicy and beautiful flesh, have a plain gray skin or do not change their color at all. Pay attention not only to the type of fruit, but also to the density of its outer shell: if at first it is easy enough to pierce with a fingernail, then the skin becomes denser with time. Be sure to tear the pumpkin together with the peduncle, leaving about 4 cm. This will protect the fruit from penetration of microorganisms and decay. In addition, the fruit should not be damaged, without dents, cracks and scratches. Harvest should be very carefully. Use a pair of sharp scissors to cut the stalk. By the way, the pumpkins collected in dry sunny weather are best kept. Irrigation should be stopped 2 weeks before the planned collection.

Before you start harvesting, make sure that you will be able to ensure the fruits of the pumpkin proper storage conditions. Store them in a dark, cool place - a cellar or a shed. Ideally, there should be wooden shelves, covered with sawdust, which will absorb excess moisture. Fully ripened fruits can be used immediately for cooking or preserving, the rest should be stored until obvious signs of maturity appear.