The taste of iron in the mouth

The taste of iron in the mouth, especially of a protracted nature, may be a sign of the disease. The permanent metallic taste that appears is unequivocally indicating that the body has undergone changes, be it a pregnancy for which this phenomenon is in the order of things, or some disease that must be started to fight as soon as possible. Regardless of your guesses, it's worth to mention at the doctor's appointment about the appearance in the mouth of the taste of iron and to find out for sure why it appeared.

The causes of the appearance of the taste of iron in the mouth

Find out why the taste of iron in your mouth can be turned to a specialist in medicine. After conducting some examinations, or by simply asking you a few questions about the symptoms, he will most likely determine that the taste appeared for one of the reasons:

In addition to the above, there is another very common reason. The taste of iron in the mouth is often observed during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, because due to colossal changes in the body, the level of hemoglobin (iron in the blood) in a pregnant woman drops sharply.

Treatment of the taste of iron in the mouth

If symptoms, including the taste of iron in your mouth, indicate a disease, then you need to conduct prompt, accurate diagnosis and treatment, because it can be very serious. Usually it requires examination from a dentist, gastroenterologist and therapist.

Rid of the taste of iron in the mouth can be as follows:

  1. If the acidity of the gastric juice is lowered, it is necessary to take a tincture of vegetable oil, garlic and lemon.
  2. With bleeding gums it is necessary:
  • If the cause is poisoning with chemicals, then it is necessary to take all measures to neutralize their harmful effects on the body.
  • When the cause of the appearance of the taste of iron is the disease of any organs, then the treating doctor is appointed by the treating doctor. In this case, do not self-medicate, because it does not always end in success.

    In pregnancy, the taste of iron in the mouth can mean a low level of hemoglobin. In this situation, a pregnant woman is advised to use iron-containing foods, for example garnets, apples, liver, buckwheat, sea kale. A lot of iron is found in dried mushrooms, however, if you are not sure of their safety, then risk your health and the health of the unborn child is not worth it. In order to prevent the development of anemia, doctors prescribe supplements containing iron, but not all doctors agree on their benefits and the need for use. Therefore, it is better to provide for any risks, starting to eat fully before pregnancy.