Has turned a leg what to do?

Often during haste, especially if we move on high heels, we turn our feet. This can happen as when descending from the stairs, the pursuit of a minibus, moving on a slippery surface, and on level ground - some "lucky" manage to tuck your leg at home, unsuccessfully jumping up to the top shelf of the cabinet. So what to do to a lady who has twisted a leg (in an ankle or a knee), and the extremity has swelled up and strongly hurts? Let's consider what to do in the first time after getting injured and how to behave after the leg is restored.

Has turned a leg or foot, she hurts and has swelled up what to do or make?

Certainly for no one will be news that with any injury, you need to see a doctor, only he will make a diagnosis and tell you how to treat the leg. But what should I do if I have tucked my leg out of town and I still have to get to the nearest medical care, what should I do in the first time after getting such a trauma?

  1. To begin with, you need to calm down, nothing terrible has happened, in any case, what exactly happened, only the doctor will be able to tell after the examination and X-ray, and therefore you should not panic ahead of time.
  2. The next step is to sit down and lay your foot. Not always an inclined leg leads to a fracture, sprain, etc. Often the foot turns, at the first moment the pain is felt, but after a couple of minutes of rest everything passes, and you can continue your journey. Although in this case at the first time the leg is still better to keep. If this does not happen, go to the next item.
  3. We call an ambulance and obediently wait for her, trying not to disturb her aching leg. If this is not possible, then we try to get to the house (tram station) by taxi. In this case, it is necessary to move as little as possible, and we try not to rely on the injured leg.
  4. Having reached home, you can try to ease your condition a little. To relieve pain, you can attach a wet towel to the ice pack (with any frozen product from the refrigerator). If there are abrasions, they should be treated with hydrogen peroxide, manganese, iodine, any disinfectant. In the place of injury, the leg needs to be bandaged, it is better to use an elastic bandage for this purpose, but the usual one will also do. As for the taking of analgesic tablets, it is better to take them after examination and on the recommendation of the doctor. If there is a suspicion of a fracture, then you need to apply a tire - to pribintovat to the leg plank (stick) to prevent the displacement of bones. In no case should the injured foot be subjected to a strong impact - to try to determine what is damaged and in what place, fix the joint by itself, etc. This initiative will only exacerbate the situation.
  5. After the examination and diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the treatment - taking medications, carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures, or referring to the treatment in the hospital, it all depends on the severity of the injury. If there is no fracture, and you were recommended to be treated at home, then you can do the following procedures. Well reduce pain and swelling, baths with sea salt. They should be done 2-3 times a day, one must be performed before bedtime, 10 minutes each. Course 10 days, water temperature 36-37 ° C. You can also make compresses after cabbage from cabbage leaves, burdock leaves or aloe.

What to do after recovery?

After the leg is restored, it should be protected - once stretched (torn) ligaments will make your leg prone to various injuries. Therefore, it is best to shorten walks on high heels. And of course, the ligaments need to be strengthened. For example, perform such simple exercises as walking alternately on the toes, heels, the outer and inner sides of the foot. Summer walks on pebbles and sand are also useful. It's not bad at night to do a light massage in the area where there was damage.